I've heard others say they can control their cost by having an option or something?
I've been using Exodus wallet and it is a flat fee no matter what -- with no options or control.
Just looking to do one of 2 things, figure out when the best times to consolidate are (via a program or app)?? or get a new wallet of some kind that gives you those options.
Any help or direction in either scenario would be greatly appreciated.
Coin control lets you choose the actual transaction inputs so e.g. if you wanted to, you can consolidate just the pool payouts into one address.
- well to be correct you can up to 0.14.2 but I've not gone near their wallet code since that - the wallets (at home - mine and the pool) are both 0.14.2
All the mining is 0.16.0 but there's no wallets anywhere online with the pool.
However, I'd not suggest you run any wallet on a windows computer - only on a linux computer.