Yeah with my iPad it does show the user+pass in the top section to login, so the login "should" hopefully be fixed for everyone.
I finally got around to making the menus work on iDevices.
The fix, for anyone curious, was to add onclick='' to the menu parents ... ... ... ... yeah, ok, fine, "that works" I guess is all that matters ...
Also moved the logout button up so it doesn't take 3 lines on the 'mini' header.
its not just idevices. its any touchscreen device.
it is very difficult to get anything but the first item on the drop down on my andriod phone or my windows tablet..
is there a timeout option on it? it seems to just select the first option right away.
You'll find that's probably a 'fat fingers' issue
Yeah it happens for me also, so I have to be more accurate tapping or use a pen.
Though, since I changed it today, I get it happening less often.
Basically it's coz your finger is still on the screen when the menu comes up, and if it's covering a wider area, the browser then also decides that's a tap of the menu box that appears just outside the area of the menu box you tapped.
If you tap higher up, you may find that will stop the other box being tapped also.