At some point don't we have to cut our losses and simply assume that there's something wrong with the pool and bail? I've already shutdown my less efficient miners because of this bad luck.
I'd hate to lose my shares that I've built up during this time but I simply can't run my gear with no revenue incoming. I hate to think that I can't support small pools but the reality is... I can't justify (under any circumstances) an entire week without finding a block.
Calm down dude.
Mining at particular pull is a matter of trust for me personally.
Nothing is wrong with the pool!
Luck is a luck and that is all.
Have in mind that so called bigger pools are not immuned to bad luck also...
It is your decision after all but if you trust kano I suggest to stay here. If you wanna change avoid Chinese pools at any cost..
What about the good luck before that block?
In avarege in long term assuming that BTC diff stays almost same you should be EVEN
All - Last 281 Blocks 96.63% 96.25% 0.2687 103.90%
The above means that if you were mining here from day one you would made 3.9-0.9 pool fee extra
Sounds exelenT for me what about you?
Ps: there was very nice graph from organofcorti comparing pools luck and surprisingly kano pool beat them all especially BIGEST Chinese pools
Look for it if you want