... and one of the top two miners who added multiple PHs hashes on to that evil 666.666% block
just found us a block 25 minutes ago
So the top bar of the stats say 1,748 Th, but when I look at the pool stats page, just the top 5 miners make up over 2.5Ph. Which on is correct? Seems like one of those is off. I have actually seen this case several times where the pool stats on the top 5-10 miners are much higher then whats reported as current pool hash on the header bar at the top.
The top left of every page is the 5 minute pool hash rate.
People like to see the pool hash rate change when they add miners, so ... it uses the 5 minute value .. less accurate / more variable.
I used to get it to display the 1hr value if the last pool restart was more than 1 hour ago, but changed it for the above reason.
The stats page shows each of the different pool rates first on the page, thus you can see that the top left on the page matches the 5 minute value.
The user stats are the sum of each individual user's worker's 5 minute values.
Since they are calculated independently and also are only 5 minute values, they don't add up most of the time and will be even more variable when hash rate changes quickly.
The most relevant point in all of this is that the amount you are rewarded is of course based on your shares.
Shares are very inaccurate to use to determine your hash rate since their variance is quite high due to mining difficulty.
But shares are what matter since they determine your reward, and that's what the Shifts and Rewards pages show.