Hi Kano,
Thanks for the pool. I was wondering... simple question... if I want to have a rough idea of my next payout, can I roughly take my hashrate / pool hashrate * 25 ?
I know it won't be as precise as if I take the number of my accepted shares/total accepted shares (which I can't know in advance, so can't estimate next payout)... but I guess it will be near?
Thanks for the info.
It's actually more like:
Been mining for X% of the last 500% before the block was found, so payout should be roughly
X/500 * hashrate / poolrate * 24.8
Of course if the pool hash, or your hash rate, has changed in the 500%, that will affect the payout also.
The 24.8 is a guestimate adjustment since it's 99.1% of the block + txn payout
You can see the history values for all blocks at the current payout address link, which is: