
Topic: KanoPool lowest 0.9% fee 🐈 since 2014 - Worldwide - 2432 blocks - page 441. (Read 5352229 times)

Activity: 123
Merit: 21
"Good Luck"
Man I don't get why some people in this community is so sensitive, things like leaving the pool or criticism always get responses like this one. Is like this pool have his own internet defense force 24/7.

Whats with the "good luck" comment buddy? Are you mad or something? Jesus, mining here for almost 6 months straight and I can't comment I'm leaving?
Yes, what horrific thing for him to say.

Good luck...

How could he be so mean Cry
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
Agreed, this maths "wizard" is talking total rubbish. I made a pittance here and since heading over to Slush have made loads more. Currently I make 0.001125BTC per day with one S9. I'm not going to bore anyone with math (because to be frank, who gives a darn about it, we are here to make coin not learn algebra), I'll just post a good old fashioned screenshot of earnings on Kano with one S9.

Yes, we are having a shocking month but still, with difficulty ramping up all the time, every day is precious to new miners starting out who can't afford runs of 200-600% blocks.

I keep seeing all this about pool x, pool y, pool z vs here or maybe I should just say PPS vs here.

So after 35 days I figured it was time for a few real numbers.

I started here on the 18 (night) of January, with what was 15Th as the time, but that quickly doubled to 30 a day or 2 later and has been pretty flat since (just added 22 more, but I'll ignore that at the moment)

The other day when I brought up my 821's, I put them on slush for 2 hrs, just because I wanted to see what the daily CDT was there at my full hashrate.  Then I moved them back to here.

So here is the basis to my numbers.

30Th/s for 35 days
Actual numbers from Kano based upon the above.

Let's start with my Kano experience.
I received .0976473 BTC in 35 days
this equals .0027899 per day
or .0000930 CDT

for the same amount of hash at slush, we'll work backwards
.00008703 CDT
.0026109 per day
or .0913815 BTC

You can say what you want and this is just a snapshot of 35 days, but even with the really ugly luck we've had, I've still made more here than the equivalent time at slush (who btw is averaging slightly *better* than 100% luck).

The upside that isn't in the above, if we find a block today, my numbers would go up again to a much larger amount of BTC than slush (e.g. .0045 (would be .007, but I'll factor out the .0027899 CDT) BTC to .002), if we improve on luck, we shatter the slush numbers.  If I left today and went somewhere else, I'd still be paid for 5Nd ramp down along with where-ever else I go's take.

I just can't see any downside.  Ok, except the fact that you don't have a little graphical ticker that is counting up based upon predicted BTC.... Oh but wait, it simply matches the number above, so what real benefit is it?

EDIT1: with 30Th/s this should work for anyone curious with a 14-15Th/s S9 or anything else because I took all the numbers down to CDT (Coin per Day per TeraHash/s)

 When you say you started the 18th of january were ramped up by then or is that when you started ramping up?

I started ramping up the same day with 56 TH and since then ive been payed 0.04798770 BTC.

Ive done the math and If i was fully ramped up for all four of those blocks i would have made 0.0739933168550874 BTC with 56 TH. Your math doesnt add up at all buddy.

If you say those are actual numbers then post a picture to prove it. Also if they were actual numbers I would be pissed because someone with 35 TH made more than me with 56 TH.

If you think you would of mined more at kano for that time period you are delusioinal.  
Activity: 65
Merit: 0

The Ramp is gone.  24 days of ramp time due to the way I added miners.
I finally got some larger hash from a friend to kill the ramp.

The good news:
21Th/s and 1M shares, 6B diff.

and though it doesnt matter, best share ever from a 2pac. 187M

Activity: 1736
Merit: 1032
Carl, aka Sonny :)
Well, I'm back at ramping up, after a 5hr power loss. I don't know what sucks worse, losing the time or freezing my ass off!
No heat on a 20°f Michigan night, is not fun at all. Back to business!

Look at the bright was only 5 hours...20 degrees is a lot better than it could have been up there...and finally, you didn't cause the outage with blowing a transformer or something stupid and your gear is good so no surge. YAY!

Can I get a second on starting "Block Friday" a day early this week? Any votes?

Mine the F On!


You have to have your own wallet and you put your BTC address for receiving your payouts under Account/Settings.  Of course, you have to register an account with Kano first Grin
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Well, I'm back at ramping up, after a 5hr power loss. I don't know what sucks worse, losing the time or freezing my ass off!
No heat on a 20°f Michigan night, is not fun at all. Back to business!

Look at the bright was only 5 hours...20 degrees is a lot better than it could have been up there...and finally, you didn't cause the outage with blowing a transformer or something stupid and your gear is good so no surge. YAY!

Can I get a second on starting "Block Friday" a day early this week? Any votes?

Mine the F On!

Activity: 12
Merit: 0
I keep seeing all this about pool x, pool y, pool z vs here or maybe I should just say PPS vs here.

So after 35 days I figured it was time for a few real numbers.

I started here on the 18 (night) of January, with what was 15Th as the time, but that quickly doubled to 30 a day or 2 later and has been pretty flat since (just added 22 more, but I'll ignore that at the moment)

The other day when I brought up my 821's, I put them on slush for 2 hrs, just because I wanted to see what the daily CDT was there at my full hashrate.  Then I moved them back to here.

So here is the basis to my numbers.

30Th/s for 35 days
Actual numbers from Kano based upon the above.

Let's start with my Kano experience.
I received .0976473 BTC in 35 days
this equals .0027899 per day
or .0000930 CDT

for the same amount of hash at slush, we'll work backwards
.00008703 CDT
.0026109 per day
or .0913815 BTC

You can say what you want and this is just a snapshot of 35 days, but even with the really ugly luck we've had, I've still made more here than the equivalent time at slush (who btw is averaging slightly *better* than 100% luck).

The upside that isn't in the above, if we find a block today, my numbers would go up again to a much larger amount of BTC than slush (e.g. .0045 (would be .007, but I'll factor out the .0027899 CDT) BTC to .002), if we improve on luck, we shatter the slush numbers.  If I left today and went somewhere else, I'd still be paid for 5Nd ramp down along with where-ever else I go's take.

I just can't see any downside.  Ok, except the fact that you don't have a little graphical ticker that is counting up based upon predicted BTC.... Oh but wait, it simply matches the number above, so what real benefit is it?

EDIT1: with 30Th/s this should work for anyone curious with a 14-15Th/s S9 or anything else because I took all the numbers down to CDT (Coin per Day per TeraHash/s)

 When you say you started the 18th of january were ramped up by then or is that when you started ramping up?

I started ramping up the same day with 56 TH and since then ive been payed 0.04798770 BTC.

Ive done the math and If i was fully ramped up for all four of those blocks i would have made 0.0739933168550874 BTC with 56 TH. Your math doesnt add up at all buddy.

If you say those are actual numbers then post a picture to prove it. Also if they were actual numbers I would be pissed because someone with 35 TH made more than me with 56 TH.

If you think you would of mined more at kano for that time period you are delusioinal.  
jr. member
Activity: 168
Merit: 2
Just decommissioned 2 S7's to make way for some S9's. It's been a battle trying to manage the heat in this tiny room. It is time to upgrade for efficiency. I will be phasing out the S7's and Avalon A6's little by little over time as long as I can find some S9's for reasonable prices.

Activity: 658
Merit: 21
4 s9's 2 821's
jr. member
Activity: 136
Merit: 2

HAHAHAHA absolutely. I've been refreshing my nuts off over here for this show.
Activity: 126
Merit: 10
jr. member
Activity: 33
Merit: 2

There ya happy?  I specifically avoided getting into this discussion because whats going to happen is that as soon at Kano finds that next block, if we match up the numbers *right* at that point, using slush month (it doesn't matter), KANO is still going to come out on top.  And if we stay at 100% it wins HUGE.

well, you start admiting that slush was more profitable than kano in that period, which is the reality... so, I get more in tune with you, yes!  happy? No!

You calculated your CDT (for that period at Kano) as 0..0000930... Slush is (as for 0.00009807, so it gets pretty easy without those extrapolations you did at the start.

Still, It is very shocking for me the 0.0000930 CDT that you got for January/February at Slush... I wonder if it is real, I mined less time than you at kano during January/February but I got significantly lower CDT... more as the figure drawn by mkptr
Activity: 140
Merit: 18

akadamson just cheated a few.

He extrapolated the results of mining short period (couple of hours) at latest difficulty at slush to a longer period (1 month, at more more little difficulties). This obviously created an error: luck of profit in slush.
Later on he calculates the real profit obtained mining at Kano and compares with the "extrapolated" profit in slush.... and the conclusion is:

Almost the same!! isn't it marvellous?

The worse thing here is that legendary one applaud this and even give merit...

I hope no new miners will come and trust this non sense without verifying the data!!! we are talking about loosing money!!!

I'd really like to know how I *cheated*.  Let's work the numbers *another way*... Let's take the CDT from slush on their weekly numbers, that should remove the diff topic that you referenced (which is wrong BTW, but I'll leave that alone).

Slush's CDT is 0.00008985
my calculated CDT for slush against my numbers was .00008703

Hmm... that's pretty dang close wouldn't you say?  Enough that is would have changed the numbers *slighly* but not that much.

So let's look at it again.  @ 30Th/s
that would be .0026955 BTC a day
over 35 days, that would have been .094325 BTC

Darn it, Kano still won.... hmmm

I think you cheat, yes!

Did you do it again? why you use Week CDT instead of Month CDT for slush? Week CDT has latest difficulty... uhmmm

Again you show you have no idea what you are talking about.... Ok, let's do it your way...

monthly CDT for slush is 0.00009807

So at 30Th/s
that would be .00294121
over 35 days, that would be .10294235  BTC

There ya happy?  I specifically avoided getting into this discussion because whats going to happen is that as soon at Kano finds that next block, if we match up the numbers *right* at that point, using slush month (it doesn't matter), KANO is still going to come out on top.  And if we stay at 100% it wins HUGE.

Of if you want to put this in better perspective.
What is Kano right now on diff vs CDT around 250+%... and what is slush?  Around 95% (they have average luck).

When you balance that our for KANO it's the clear victor... with no cheating, just idiots who elect to make their version of math (which is wrong) work for them.... so have fun
jr. member
Activity: 33
Merit: 2

akadamson just cheated a few.

He extrapolated the results of mining short period (couple of hours) at latest difficulty at slush to a longer period (1 month, at more more little difficulties). This obviously created an error: luck of profit in slush.
Later on he calculates the real profit obtained mining at Kano and compares with the "extrapolated" profit in slush.... and the conclusion is:

Almost the same!! isn't it marvellous?

The worse thing here is that legendary one applaud this and even give merit...

I hope no new miners will come and trust this non sense without verifying the data!!! we are talking about loosing money!!!

I'd really like to know how I *cheated*.  Let's work the numbers *another way*... Let's take the CDT from slush on their weekly numbers, that should remove the diff topic that you referenced (which is wrong BTW, but I'll leave that alone).

Slush's CDT is 0.00008985
my calculated CDT for slush against my numbers was .00008703

Hmm... that's pretty dang close wouldn't you say?  Enough that is would have changed the numbers *slighly* but not that much.

So let's look at it again.  @ 30Th/s
that would be .0026955 BTC a day
over 35 days, that would have been .094325 BTC

Darn it, Kano still won.... hmmm

I think you cheat, yes!

Did you do it again? why you use Week CDT instead of Month CDT for slush? Week CDT has latest difficulty... uhmmm

Name Payout Hash Rate Network % Users Block (d:h:m) Week CDT Month CDT Quarter CDT Year CDT Web
KanoPool PPLNS 49.16PH/s 0.19% of 25.27EH/s 1,439 509209 (7:17:11) 0.00000000 0.00002591 0.00014308 0.00035475
SlushPool Hybrid PPS 2.39EH/s 9.47% of 25.27EH/s 18,452 510427 (02:04) 0.00008985 0.00009807 0.00015120 0.00033502

month CDT slush vs kano -> 0.00009807 vs 0.00002591

Not eighter a real photo of what has happent in January/February, but, at my oppinion closer than your maths...
Activity: 266
Merit: 13
I gotta say I started mining here at the beginning of the 600 block and I'm questioning my sanity. I want to contribute to decentralization and all but .......3 S9's isn't much but sheesh I'd like to make a buck.

Oh yea Mine On LOL

I was mining at Kano since Sep 2017, a couple hours ago took my 85THs to another pool. This month has been brutal.

"Good Luck"

I guess I gotta wait till we find a block before moving or do I get credit if I move now?

If you move. You will get paid still until your fully ramped down if we find a bock.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
I gotta say I started mining here at the beginning of the 600 block and I'm questioning my sanity. I want to contribute to decentralization and all but .......3 S9's isn't much but sheesh I'd like to make a buck.

Oh yea Mine On LOL

I was mining at Kano since Sep 2017, a couple hours ago took my 85THs to another pool. This month has been brutal.

"Good Luck"

I guess I gotta wait till we find a block before moving or do I get credit if I move now?
Activity: 140
Merit: 18

akadamson just cheated a few.

He extrapolated the results of mining short period (couple of hours) at latest difficulty at slush to a longer period (1 month, at more more little difficulties). This obviously created an error: luck of profit in slush.
Later on he calculates the real profit obtained mining at Kano and compares with the "extrapolated" profit in slush.... and the conclusion is:

Almost the same!! isn't it marvellous?

The worse thing here is that legendary one applaud this and even give merit...

I hope no new miners will come and trust this non sense without verifying the data!!! we are talking about loosing money!!!

I'd really like to know how I *cheated*.  Let's work the numbers *another way*... Let's take the CDT from slush on their weekly numbers, that should remove the diff topic that you referenced (which is wrong BTW, but I'll leave that alone).

Slush's CDT is 0.00008985
my calculated CDT for slush against my numbers was .00008703

Hmm... that's pretty dang close wouldn't you say?  Enough that is would have changed the numbers *slighly* but not that much.

So let's look at it again.  @ 30Th/s
that would be .0026955 BTC a day
over 35 days, that would have been .094325 BTC

Darn it, Kano still won.... hmmm
jr. member
Activity: 33
Merit: 2
I keep seeing all this about pool x, pool y, pool z vs here or maybe I should just say PPS vs here.

So after 35 days I figured it was time for a few real numbers.

I started here on the 18 (night) of January, with what was 15Th as the time, but that quickly doubled to 30 a day or 2 later and has been pretty flat since (just added 22 more, but I'll ignore that at the moment)

The other day when I brought up my 821's, I put them on slush for 2 hrs, just because I wanted to see what the daily CDT was there at my full hashrate.  Then I moved them back to here.

So here is the basis to my numbers.

30Th/s for 35 days
Actual numbers from Kano based upon the above.

Let's start with my Kano experience.
I received .0976473 BTC in 35 days
this equals .0027899 per day
or .0000930 CDT

for the same amount of hash at slush, we'll work backwards
.00008703 CDT
.0026109 per day
or .0913815 BTC

You can say what you want and this is just a snapshot of 35 days, but even with the really ugly luck we've had, I've still made more here than the equivalent time at slush (who btw is averaging slightly *better* than 100% luck).

The upside that isn't in the above, if we find a block today, my numbers would go up again to a much larger amount of BTC than slush (e.g. .0045 (would be .007, but I'll factor out the .0027899 CDT) BTC to .002), if we improve on luck, we shatter the slush numbers.  If I left today and went somewhere else, I'd still be paid for 5Nd ramp down along with where-ever else I go's take.

I just can't see any downside.  Ok, except the fact that you don't have a little graphical ticker that is counting up based upon predicted BTC.... Oh but wait, it simply matches the number above, so what real benefit is it?

EDIT1: with 30Th/s this should work for anyone curious with a 14-15Th/s S9 or anything else because I took all the numbers down to CDT (Coin per Day per TeraHash/s)

Started mining with 11Th/s at kano in 13/Jan 01:54.
When i fully ramped up after a really bad luck i got 0.00294833BTC.(9/Feb 20:11)
Between January 13 and February 19(37days) i made 0.01504784 BTC in total( + what the pools finds in the next ~13days).

One S9 on slush made (between the same time) 0.05241363 BTC.

Kano(~11th/s) vs. Slush(~13.7th/s)
0.01504784 vs. 0.05241363


After 3days at slush i made: 0.00348309BTC

Not sure how u get higher on kano.

akadamson just cheated a few.

He extrapolated the results of mining short period (couple of hours) at latest difficulty at slush to a longer period (1 month, at more more little difficulties). This obviously created an error: luck of profit in slush.
Later on he calculates the real profit obtained mining at Kano and compares with the "extrapolated" profit in slush.... and the conclusion is:

Almost the same!! isn't it marvellous?

The worse thing here is that legendary one applaud this and even give merit...

I hope no new miners will come and trust this non sense without verifying the data!!! we are talking about loosing money!!!
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
I keep seeing all this about pool x, pool y, pool z vs here or maybe I should just say PPS vs here.

So after 35 days I figured it was time for a few real numbers.

I started here on the 18 (night) of January, with what was 15Th as the time, but that quickly doubled to 30 a day or 2 later and has been pretty flat since (just added 22 more, but I'll ignore that at the moment)

The other day when I brought up my 821's, I put them on slush for 2 hrs, just because I wanted to see what the daily CDT was there at my full hashrate.  Then I moved them back to here.

So here is the basis to my numbers.

30Th/s for 35 days
Actual numbers from Kano based upon the above.

Let's start with my Kano experience.
I received .0976473 BTC in 35 days
this equals .0027899 per day
or .0000930 CDT

for the same amount of hash at slush, we'll work backwards
.00008703 CDT
.0026109 per day
or .0913815 BTC

You can say what you want and this is just a snapshot of 35 days, but even with the really ugly luck we've had, I've still made more here than the equivalent time at slush (who btw is averaging slightly *better* than 100% luck).

The upside that isn't in the above, if we find a block today, my numbers would go up again to a much larger amount of BTC than slush (e.g. .0045 (would be .007, but I'll factor out the .0027899 CDT) BTC to .002), if we improve on luck, we shatter the slush numbers.  If I left today and went somewhere else, I'd still be paid for 5Nd ramp down along with where-ever else I go's take.

I just can't see any downside.  Ok, except the fact that you don't have a little graphical ticker that is counting up based upon predicted BTC.... Oh but wait, it simply matches the number above, so what real benefit is it?

EDIT1: with 30Th/s this should work for anyone curious with a 14-15Th/s S9 or anything else because I took all the numbers down to CDT (Coin per Day per TeraHash/s)

Started mining with 11Th/s at kano in 13/Jan 01:54.
When i fully ramped up after a really bad luck i got 0.00294833BTC.(9/Feb 20:11)
Between January 13 and February 19(37days) i made 0.01504784 BTC in total( + what the pools finds in the next ~13days).

One S9 on slush made (between the same time) 0.05241363 BTC.

Kano(~11th/s) vs. Slush(~13.7th/s)
0.01504784 vs. 0.05241363


After 3days at slush i made: 0.00348309BTC

Not sure how u get higher on kano.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 251
I like big BITS and I cannot lie.
I wonder how many grandmas have bitcoin?

Mine on! Let's crack this block!

Activity: 3892
Merit: 4331
I keep seeing all this about pool x, pool y, pool z vs here or maybe I should just say PPS vs here.

So after 35 days I figured it was time for a few real numbers.
Nicely done!

You can't take a short time frame and make any conclusion one way or another.

I can see from long term numbers that they are OK.
The last, say, few months starting about 6 mo ago are not great, but luck should get back at some point, i agree with that.
It better be soon to attract those bonus miners.
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