Hey NewKo!
I saw your post mining I went to send you this in a PM but as I am new there was filter out "noob" block on the pm system. I would like to share with you some things I have learned about the process.
Here is a copy of a stratum proxy log I use to solo mine it shows what the miner is requesting and what it is submitting.
It really helped me to see what the miner is doing and what info is being passed from the miner to the pool and vice versa.
1. Header - This is the block header submitted from pool to miner.
2. Coinbase1 / Coinbase2 - The pool has to send coinbase1 and coinbase2 to the miners
3. Prevhash - The previous block hash
3. The miner the gets some other info like Nbit, Ntime, and the Merkle root.
then the miner starts to hash the info. after some time if no solution is found the miner will get the follwowing update and "move on" to the next
Hash on proxy 1 has changed to 000000000000000000343339f5f13bd42af98000229c35ee99d7386876be65b6
Hash on proxy 0 has changed to 000000000000000000343339f5f13bd42af98000229c35ee99d7386876be65b6
and the process continues
I hope this helps the visual representation really helped me understand I now log all my shares from my miners via proxy it's gives a whole new perspective and lets you watch real time what your miner is doing.
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.409] Json found jobid: 4
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.409] Header: 2000000072c559e18a8cc8a1f5a075f54dfa90c1b578553f00380326000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005a7605d2176c2146000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.409] Proxy 1:0 broadcast updated
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.409] Stratifier received request: diff={"proxy": 1, "subproxy": 0, "diff": 4000.0}
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.409] Update diff: {"proxy": 1, "subproxy": 0, "diff": 4000.0}
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.409] Json found entry proxy: 1
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.409] Json found entry subproxy: 0
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.409] Got updated diff for proxy 1:0
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Proxy 0:0 received method mining.notify
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Received new notify from proxy 0:0
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] JobID 5a71009a000017f7
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Coinbase1 01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff350351be070004d205765a0494f067160c
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Coinbase2 0a636b706f6f6c112f736f6c6f2e636b706f6f6c2e6f72672fffffffff036bf2664e000000001976a914397a65cdbbbf16e6cb3etb440060644171a1959488aca1bcca00000000001976a914f4cbe6c6bb3a8535c963169c22963f3a20e7686988ac0000000000000000266a24aa21a9edb22d319ba7121a418dc8f816a95a0bec2457a283f81f7fae88da910ad2f0d3c000000000
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Prevhash 72c559e18a8cc8a1f5a075f54dfa90c5b578553f003802560000000000000000
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] BBVersion 20000000
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Nbit 176c2146
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Ntime 5a7605d2
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Clean false
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkles 11
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkle 0 c7e1d9dcaca5d7cf50de92be6cf56cd386cd1a317231b705df3b4c832b517125
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkle 1 eb49f18d7bd2f166eefff8802516f6c8cb8dd7d214176d4235add037370be835
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkle 2 1456852b0d4de918c40f8390e27deeb493a05a234c1df5587e33360f27708161
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkle 3 506f2121f16ddc672ea3dec2719d54d386d15eae59a60dc4860ec001f934e0d8
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkle 4 14c75427ed1bec55e637b869ff6759759c0dc5092b37ac61d90069e19cc4ca8a
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkle 5 084a6e35265e5dd498f058cb948eb32024a095f4f3537187f625f305121460ec
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkle 6 9cb85c0f564b5ad595ac5cefdca5489a090ff04943d98490babdcb755058895c
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkle 7 f9a36f8c9ea52fe601f6fac4d0342413c0276b14a392e543a97ed45dbed8885b
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkle 8 ba867d1fa19c8ab02588a94a20aa4a23df2360d9b8b4982e5b333f4f964cabc7
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkle 9 cd453fd13686319ba7fdbcf3cce7e7105f5742990a00c75d07f2b13467c863e3
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Merkle 10 458de899b5b81f6b8faedba931859c1ee89756cfe6e6cba3abd019a2ca18e811
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Select timed out in read_socket_line
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.428] Stratifier received request: notify={"proxy": 0, "subproxy": 0, "jobid": 5, "prevhash":
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.429] Proxy 0:0 broadcast updated stratum notify without clean
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.429] Stratifier received request: diff={"proxy": 0, "subproxy": 0, "diff": 4000.0}
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.429] Update diff: {"proxy": 0, "subproxy": 0, "diff": 4000.0}
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.429] Json found entry proxy: 0
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.429] Json found entry subproxy: 0
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.429] Got updated diff for proxy 0:0
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.469] Accepted client 3 share diff 1328.7/42/4K: 000000000031522279e455b1eeb364b1c9366cfa0cdb4a0a6c28a2cf98096333
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.470] Sending stratum message share.result
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.796] Accepted client 2 share diff 1006.3/42/4K: 0000000000411fee4e15b9ea0a0383ceb7b334aa513006e67cca17732df220c9
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.797] Sending stratum message share.result
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.840] Accepted client 7 share diff 47.3/42/4K: 00000000056a9a6af9c6d6c75cc48229f6b85e4959606c2dbd567602bec33d4d
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.841] Sending stratum message share.result
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.841] Accepted client 7 share diff 288.5/42/4K: 0000000000e3284ef365f208fd2d7b564ba20242f376518e5a53b283bee82966
[2018-02-03 18:56:18.841] Sending stratum message share.result