Suuree it's to "wean citizens away from the vice of gambling" BUT "it does not include lottery or wagering or betting on horse races run on any race course within or outside the state." It's not for the sake of people, but for money, to keep the money flowing to lottery and horse races. #Feelsbadman for Karnataka slots players!
I think you guys can still get away with a VPN, but DWYOR.
ROFLMAO seriously? Man, that bill is outrageous for not including lottery betting on horse racing. Well, since it is just a bill, I am pretty sure that once it goes through the process of their Congress, the bill would be deconstructed and add all the necessary details that encompass 'gambling' in general. I find it ridiculous that they singled out some activities in gambling while not including the other forms of gambling.
This just goes to show on how their government did not think through about the whole bill. I do hope that once it gets deconstructed or fixed, it will be including all forms of gambling.
This bill shows the problem for the local government isn't gambling itself, but
online gambling only. In my opinion what Karnataka state is proposing shouldn't be accepted, because it's lobbying practice, that is when a specific group of the industry is benefited by the government, while the rest is criminalized without any legit reason.
Such projects don't make sense in a globalized world where we are connected to the internet all day long. The mentioned proposal is similar to that one which forbids online shopping websites because it's going to prejudice the local businesses income.