Can someone please setting it for me ?
I was try this :
stratum+tcp:// -u (btc address) -p x
Is that right ?
Same miner (L3+), want to mine the most profitable SCRYPT coin but the instructions on the main page are confusing. They don't explicitly say this is a profit switching pool, except between algos. Instructions on the pool page say;
YOU MUST ALWAYS set your currency in your password field: c=
But will I mine the most profitable Scrypt coin if I don't list a coin in the password field? Just like @isukabtc has above:
stratum+tcp:// -u (btc address) -p x
Like just use the field for "x" or "123" or set my difficulty? Or is this NOT a profit switching pool?
I'm thinking it is, just does not exactly say it....that I can find.
i think its should -p c=BTC since you have put btc address payout
You know... I've never used the "c=" parameter in my password and it's still automatically auto-exchange to BTC. I think without the c= parameter, it just defaults to BTC.