OK, here we go.
One of the Alt's of serial pest scammer
morocco.man by the user name
from10to1280 u=713392 starts a thread here:
from 10 EUR to 1280 EUR on 7 bets https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/from-10-eur-to-1280-eur-on-7-bets-1312738 which has been dormant for a few months now.
Recently, a user
zend7 u=639442 replies to a post from January 2016 to say that there is a new thread here:
10-1000 Euro challenge, only small bets!!! https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/10-1000-euro-challenge-only-small-bets-1597210BitcoinSupremo u=754727 it the OP of this thread.
http://archive.is/QgJxv#selection-555.0-557.32Starting from tomorrow I will start a challenge with 10 Euro to win up to 1000 by raising our bets after each win. Odd will be real low of these games so this thread may go long long so get prepared for it.
Starting from tomorrow remember.
On their profile page we get this information.
http://archive.is/VbjwC#selection-289.0-489.34Name: BitcoinSupremo
Posts: 2561
Activity: 224
Position: Full Member
Date Registered: 03 February 2016, 23:32:23
Last Active: 06 September 2016, 23:04:12
Bitcoin address: 1DADerDP2D9bpDmaBoJzaniKTVCTRratft
A search of the Wallet Address
1DADerDP2D9bpDmaBoJzaniKTVCTRratft shows that it is part of
Wallet [df715f9a4a] https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/df715f9a4aa01286/addresses and is the
only Wallet Address in that Wallet.
1DADerDP2D9bpDmaBoJzaniKTVCTRratft 0.0001 18 426830
A search of
1DADerDP2D9bpDmaBoJzaniKTVCTRratft shows that it has been used by BitcoinSupremo a few times here and has even been staked by them.
BitcoinSupremo hassle free lending service! https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/bitcoinsupremo-hassle-free-lending-service-1550382http://archive.is/ewUoI#selection-563.0-542.30Offering small loans
No collateral , no loan
Collateral accepted 120% value of altcoins, specifically only ETH and DOGE which can be sold quite easily
Bitcoin accounts, Sr.Member rank and above.
Trusted escrow is needed unless you are willing to trust me with your collateral first if you are not trusted. If you are trusted I can send you the btc first depending on a number of factors, how old is the account, account history and posts etc which I evaluate if its ok to send first or no otherwise I will use escrow even with trusted members when I have some kind of doubts.
Newbies, Jr.Member, Member stay away from this thread, its not meant at you and you will not get any reply and be ignored. Sorry about this but history has proven to me that 90% of these account members can scam anytime. But you are welcome if you send first the 120% valid collateral thats the only way I would consider giving you loans.
I am in Rome Italy so I come from work 6 PM and stay awake until 11-12 PM my time.
Interest rate: 10% + the fee I pay when I send you the bitcoins
Can loan up to 0.05 btc to a single person.
I don't start a new deal before one is finished. Strict rules to keep this thread quite and well going. No exceptions, don't even ask.
Repayment address is always the one in my profile
Meanwhile you may receive loan from different other addresses, will post here the transaction ID.
Those other addresses maybe from gambling sites, megatypers and many other place where I work for bitcoin thats why there can be different ones, but I will try to usually use one or 2.
Edit: Forgot to add that a signed message from at least 3 months ago is an absolute must.
Since 10% is a very low interest rate, max time to pay it back is 10 days from the date in which you borrow it.
Hi this BitcoinSupremo from Bitcointalk.org
Just want my BTC address staked, so in case
my account gets hacked, I get it back. Thank you
H1y9Tt3HMubJg5cpWq4on2V8w6zTR4eF4Ro26NzHGPH0IlAI3F1RnLO4Xqu7yClvU43viPPo57hswXK UNVAy05w=
Saving this for future reference in case my account gets hacked. I have also this address above signed in another post of this forum named How to sign a message where Shorena is in charge.
Thank you.
Failure: ('vmB', 'Bad address. Signing:
19ABSWrjXvHUmFTipzDvLofSSDSiBcT4xy, received:
I get this message upon verification of your massage
Check adress
and the following post:
I have done it with Multibit, let me try with electrum now, but it will be another wallet address.
So here I go:
Hi BItcoinSupremo here
Using electrum 2.5.4 on linux
trying to stake my address below.
Thank you
After doing this Electrum told me, Signature verified. Hopefully I have done it right this time.
19ABSWrjXvHUmFTipzDvLofSSDSiBcT4xy turns up nothing here and has never been used on the block chain
So, although
19ABSWrjXvHUmFTipzDvLofSSDSiBcT4xy yields nothing,
18jwZu4mWeGsZJfyua8ds68wzg5gmZiv49 on the other hand is where we need to focus our attention.
18jwZu4mWeGsZJfyua8ds68wzg5gmZiv49 is part of
Wallet [05a08f68a7] and has 81 Wallet Addresses:
They are:
1ABzN19f29NZX5QyvjHB354J8dDPW6ZDjM 0.04000291 9 428427
128qQdA89Gwv3RpwaaeZziRKYSxk2u9tPA 0.00833073 246 428430
14RPbjjfJz36pEHapBjLd5FtuRYx6Y4P9Y 0. 23 427664
1Mgq1uXvuEXB6eMjwpB4j6VjTSVaC6hQ6H 0. 8 410706
1KBsQWiHVS3sBbjwcSBQZpyPZJTrBTeLLv 0. 5 427371
1LiZmx1cvTRQxrKckLFqpXWWk2TodmX5RJ 0. 5 415381
13zB4hk8tK9zj3HQj5pU4DbidLhEjsAFRm 0. 4 424742
12qKjpgfrH7q3VQPKLxfwgkRwmARQ9e6LG 0. 2 426641
17wxNe7yok4ePEFzosZ3wacw3Kcpi27Kq7 0. 2 423033
1JQychdVGhDedy42pzW5nceFBeLDf9kdG3 0. 2 410706
1MwSuybw2RMTPCYGV4L5CMqbhpaoVDGYFn 0. 2 410706
14thVy47Zc31iBcwckAq7a8MeSahr22uAr 0. 2 407561
19Pm76oZk2Hc4yDZR3cZtsGqpjupVMkjg1 0. 2 401144
1D8wT3y5FM5XserbD73JvEYrU3rHPzKL7r 0. 1 427371
1DQLb7XnmEMeB5sJbiE18Z8DJWq8LDdR6A 0. 1 426831
112UTrWUjyGQHRLHYHQtQgWsLg9coveaFh 0. 1 424742
182bDfb3tJySbRvmtwmPT1UoiNtoCVM47W 0. 1 424742
1MojTBce26aANpRTo9Bh1GErYS8ZueFoyz 0. 1 424742
1p76a78UYRRx5QGdZpUtBbzMd6L2bxNyL 0. 1 424742
1CWL2XeLsn4XUXioQ3VVHuMps1emX8VF5B 0. 1 417403
14VZBymmRqLCs55v2ADrJvuwbRQsMUDAon 0. 1 414488
12XioBrVYRN7rxZNWJhrSj8niidrezN7CG 0. 1 413415
153uWW3vdLzWEGkKfNWpy5QPcMhXJtACyQ 0. 1 413415
1HAJKK16R8jjyrrLGu9PNmGxiPEMqB1tUc 0. 1 413415
1KsvxYXdELoeBQSH3SxyEYVPgL7HNCTWGU 0. 1 413415
1B7XXqijXjAZfbwJ23edy1ViNBbaG3nJ4e 0. 1 412320
1G4LmYNhwt3ruZcXQxoXb3W2kFJuV4dU9S 0. 1 412320
136H8S4mgcQRyAzaeF3jT6hzXWGf6vPVEm 0. 1 412195
14bqxRBjJsCNyhfAUGFWi5yTXmgRqKcent 0. 1 412195
1AZTrwkeRDvWZFsUeY7BhSHgmDvM3Scbdb 0. 1 412195
1EMDCiNk3pRgAKCs8C7rpXAurUGNJP6srw 0. 1 412195
1EaiibC2aG6nByiMi25Qs8QpUraQ9D2SCd 0. 1 412195
1EieKDiXv4PeeYxJf7rktyrAYjKXwdyQGd 0. 1 412195
1LdqcfiqCXjxHBwZaxp3Y6ntFjZL4pKZ2U 0. 1 412195
1NcYj5dvui8koF6oz3W94hPEdQX7ENrrB 0. 1 412195
1NsZdoqqsaQKaXs3gfjqjWFNZ5wFy1uBif 0. 1 412188
171u63AaiKFj6rqo2EbDpoVdwcSKxLyf5t 0. 1 412185
15Gkg4TtR5YLwgCZsq1vedYzh2s7XLWHGp 0. 1 411636
1A9FRm8FSukxa3jCv9FHFgNb66SPbf3GLH 0. 1 411636
1P78Ls5XaGofdwGfmLZRqiFpwBdJQ4Y6KZ 0. 1 411636
1r6R1PHy27HbdkdxPHk6GnhPPC3gQNvx5 0. 1 411636
18ETcngKUJiLNsxaS2yytNB9a29MpVvhWG 0. 1 411478
1BjkhBXbR4fRUAwNEQhQZmQVJys9FXjWP3 0. 1 411478
1GM58EDf9pziJ4xrCxCgipeZit4jYshQAh 0. 1 411478
1JY9YTSrqpNMPSQhLN5MhhSf6xNa55qFK4 0. 1 411478
1LpcrvPZQvBZSZfEDU4gjBNPMhGtwzdqLx 0. 1 411478
1NRrgJZwww2NfFjqG5muWu19ALBu5acFgL 0. 1 409602
1BsYXu1GHThRCBtZN9hqJZzJ8nAmP5gTny 0. 1 409473
1Hev3XUhrThLj5FGu71S2bui4BNDVwqfVh 0. 1 409473
1KnmquSQaiceGAwe1xYdeB91x5iUC5CjjE 0. 1 409176
15dAUoB8Wd1Ku7uYWtZCi6ZxBeAuu1Raxh 0. 1 409169
1EAADJAFj6RUFurZbo3inBh6rkJH9LWCLb 0. 1 409169
16cndQF1CCdCa9PaV2LboGaHVaxExYCaTy 0. 1 408874
197Kwkg7TxsxYHkCED3gVHJWnjk74EVL5E 0. 1 408874
193GZyGku7Qk8TKmwEYs1mzSgBnDMkHVSB 0. 1 407575
12Ppu21H4c4bY73bTwm6A5bGn7VjLrBjjG 0. 1 407561
14ejmKndF8pfsBGT7XtwQWYqvDfoQ3jmEi 0. 1 407561
1BNxTPb4dVBR5RVkMZCTFHJvyHKaxwXbNG 0. 1 407561
13u9spbqbfxsE1yQ8duEq88k7jFooyjLWW 0. 1 406980
15Xgc27uFSj4exGAoVuNVJzNaBWfxpfr7Y 0. 1 406980
18LVuewvqNuZHHfgNSzhP6EvZZrTsFLwGp 0. 1 406980
18jwZu4mWeGsZJfyua8ds68wzg5gmZiv49 0. 1 406980
1CbzcxfC8wUXcwLrXGYZeaMtDvXXsWY9Fd 0. 1 406980
1E6UE7Qe4PSYFSxg7fTCQVJW9QSdM8U8XD 0. 1 406980
1CbF6SahKphKmeMib6oVevV4E76gyN2Hat 0. 1 406811
1JAbq2WzmLUZjsg2E29tbuRwbMKzT2gN8v 0. 1 406807
1Dwf4RtH775mbQTVJLbCoxg7R6SwHiVCPU 0. 1 406638
14cm5nEGycP4FGfzb9gDWwBnPdEZa2Uofi 0. 1 405275
1AAJPFmau6h4t1PFSvBQEZdBEA5TkJ2svv 0. 1 404387
1BGd1mUwXWMosycQiC6ktAgNPpL5g8Agag 0. 1 404387
1NoFb1KJgMnSuugTYGft33KchJe5FLYfKr 0. 1 404387
1GmNVHsoLJsFiSKCJtVmK2oSiCk2RmPBT3 0. 1 403526
17dY8btyTKRrJorMPTD64b6b6q4TJZHzzp 0. 1 403522
1GKL3mJyhd5sSKEFmfqviZNBHe3Ge25VuB 0. 1 403243
121XcH1TiHAXsr2DqAAKYNwreR8V5cbG4C 0. 1 402509
14NpV8gJ7HvAQyoevzRzB9UdQzoZFgUDtT 0. 1 402509
1GChrYfWhq7RCEPzmfBypZvRciF8ipwsaA 0. 1 402509
1JmwbheRtH3zWZskmSqKW6LfHvyMrWwgmP 0. 1 402509
1QKQKPnwr7ChLAJYUX1nfoc8E5LVKzmyo7 0. 1 402509
1DCWHcX71v3JxAAYuj9s9TebRMzPmCAoTa 0. 1 402461
18EUwowB4ygY15a3tXKx8U5hPgPBqwW3PC 0. 1 401144
Starting with the very first Wallet Address
1ABzN19f29NZX5QyvjHB354J8dDPW6ZDjM of
BitcoinSupremo 's verified Wallet we come full circle back to:
zend7 u=639442
http://archive.is/RwPdg#selection-3843.0-3855.71Name: zend7
Post count: 249
Rank: Senior member
Bitcoin address: 1ABzN19f29NZX5QyvjHB354J8dDPW6ZDjM
Profile UID: 639442
Spoke via PM about my resubmission of my application for this campaign.
Second Wallet Address on the list
128qQdA89Gwv3RpwaaeZziRKYSxk2u9tPA http://archive.is/ZxCLm#selection-3441.0-3461.168Can you post the raw transaction? And are you trying to send from 128qQdA89Gwv3RpwaaeZziRKYSxk2u9tPA by any chance?
No,I am trying to send from the address in my profile here. What is raw transaction ? Do you want to see the transaction ID which i just tried via my laptop.
Anyway everything is correct now, just made a payment from my profile address and here is the transaction ID, electrum started working back in my desktop as well.
https://blockchain.info/tx/c130de70867818932d255ff801ed4685e6373c78b7c54422ab5c3456d799418cWhat could have been the reason, someone trying to hack me or something, I don't believe they can honestly but what has the address you posted got anything to do here ?
As with
smho_16 u=544789 can't sign messages with their Wallet Address.
We've only explored three Wallet Addresses and we have three separate user's.
But hang on,
https://blockchain.info/tx/c130de70867818932d255ff801ed4685e6373c78b7c54422ab5c3456d799418c lists the Wallet Address
14RPbjjfJz36pEHapBjLd5FtuRYx6Y4P9Y I hear you say... True, but Wallet Address
14RPbjjfJz36pEHapBjLd5FtuRYx6Y4P9Y is the very next Wallet Address on the list, so this proves that
smho_16 u=544789 is yet another Alt of
BitcoinSupremoAs does this
I would like to join this signature
User name: smho_16
Post count: 578 including this one
Rank: Full Member
Bitcoin address:14RPbjjfJz36pEHapBjLd5FtuRYx6Y4P9Y
and this
http://archive.is/k61st#selection-5199.0-5215.117Applying for full member , will change signature if accepted.
Safedice username: smho
Bitcoin address : 14RPbjjfJz36pEHapBjLd5FtuRYx6Y4P9Y
Posts count:680
Bitcoin UID:544789
Rank: Full Member
By the way manager, edit your initial post to this thread to--- Earn up to 0.025 BTC per week from 0.25 BTC per week.
(Always nice for the punters to tell the OP how to run their campaigns...)
![Roll Eyes](https://bitcointalk.org/Smileys/default/rolleyes.gif)
1Mgq1uXvuEXB6eMjwpB4j6VjTSVaC6hQ6H Turns up nothing here.
1KBsQWiHVS3sBbjwcSBQZpyPZJTrBTeLLv Turns up nothing here.
1LiZmx1cvTRQxrKckLFqpXWWk2TodmX5RJ Turns up nothing here.
http://archive.is/0d1Lv#selection-2717.0-2745.48Cereberus u=536619
Staking my bitcoin address below for future reference.
Message: This is user Cereberus stacking my bitcoin address for future reference. Thank you
Bitcoin address: 13zB4hk8tK9zj3HQj5pU4DbidLhEjsAFRm
Signature: IMGWRLoVCC/JZrsnsYIwy2qj5ovbPgFUr0P2Y7xO2tdPY79Qv0Q68p1rWeWgXG1uEbjLAIYYsKDyCatPb1CXKls=
Verified with Electrum 2.6
Almost missed
But you got a quote here.
Verification is confirmed with tools.bitcoin.com
12qKjpgfrH7q3VQPKLxfwgkRwmARQ9e6LG Turns up nothing here.
17wxNe7yok4ePEFzosZ3wacw3Kcpi27Kq7 Turns up nothing here.
1JQychdVGhDedy42pzW5nceFBeLDf9kdG3 Turns up nothing here.
So we're back to
BitcoinSupremo ...
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.14705718 (locked thread)
http://archive.is/J68f1#selection-1851.0-1867.129Trying my luck in the competition.
Starting bankroll: 100mBTC
Address: 1MwSuybw2RMTPCYGV4L5CMqbhpaoVDGYFn
There will be many addresses where I do betting as I use electrum, and I think you should make the number of bets to 50 minimum, I am one of the tipsters who like playing only 1 or 2 time maximum per day.
How does it work from now? Sorry for asking ,first time in this competition although I have been invited many times by directbet.
14thVy47Zc31iBcwckAq7a8MeSahr22uAr Turns up nothing here.
19Pm76oZk2Hc4yDZR3cZtsGqpjupVMkjg1 Turns up nothing here.
1D8wT3y5FM5XserbD73JvEYrU3rHPzKL7r Turns up nothing here.
1DQLb7XnmEMeB5sJbiE18Z8DJWq8LDdR6A Turns up nothing here.
112UTrWUjyGQHRLHYHQtQgWsLg9coveaFh Turns up nothing here.
So, given we are down to just one transaction each after this I doubt anything more will turn up.
Given the elaborate lengths that have been gone to to create multiple Alt's and that a low activity Alt is signposting to the main Alt's new gambling thread and given it's near identical style and wording to the one created by the verified Alt of morocco.man ( from10to1280 ) who has laid low for some weeks/months now, I am going out on a limb and calling this:
Accounts connected: morocco.man,
Proof: New Alt's all connected via Wallet [05a08f68a7] while the threads
from 10 EUR to 1280 EUR on 7 bets https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/from-10-eur-to-1280-eur-on-7-bets-1312738
10-1000 Euro challenge, only small bets!!! https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/10-1000-euro-challenge-only-small-bets-1597210connect the new Alt's to the old Alt's...
Addresses: 81 Wallet Addresses posted above.
Miscellaneous: zend7, BitcoinSupremo, smho_16, Cereberus are Alts of morocco.man / from10to1280