respect & regards
DEV says VOTE to have KORE listed on MintPal.
Ask Everyone you know with a Mintpal account to keep voting as much as they can
up to once every hour for each account.
Better hurry because they are stopping voting on September 1st!
KORE is #452 with 12 votes.
Make that #444 with 28 votes.
Will surpass VOOT soon.
"Coin Voting
We're always looking to add new markets for the best altcoins, and to help us with this we'd like to ask you, our users to vote on what you'd like to see offered at MintPal.
Below is a list of coins that we're considering adding, ordered by the most voted. Please vote for your chosen coin below, due to the recent abuse of the system by bots, only registered users with a trade history are permitted to vote for coins. Every user is limited to 1 (one) vote per hour. You must also complete the captcha image before submitting a vote.
We take the voting winner every Monday evening (UTC), we announce the official closing time earlier in the day. Have a new coin that isn't on the list? Please contact us at support
- with the coin details (name and code) and bitcointalk thread link and we'll get the coin added. We reserve the right to add new markets outside of the voting system where we feel necessary.
Important: Please be aware that we are phasing out the voting system. We have removed the option to make payment votes and will stop taking voting winners from 1st September onwards. The system will continue as normal until then."