Finally we have fix all issues, add TOR for anonymize our connections, and we are ready now for look to the future.
What will happen in the next time.ZEROCOIN / DARKKOREI start to understand how we can apply the zerocoin idea to our coin. This code, already present on many coins I think will not work fine. It's old and was only a based idea. If you going to read on the zerocoin website, you can understand that they still to migrate from zerocoin to zerocash code. Zerocash will going to work on the Bitcoin 0.9.1 wallet, because in this wallet version the Bitcoin developers have implemented a new Chains management. The new Bitcoin is able to manage many Chains in the some time, with the same wallet software. This new feature permit to zerocash to work properly : Bitcoin going in main chain, zerocash going to an alternative chain. When need they will merge the TXs of this two chain. But they have not finish to devel this.
KoreCoin don't have very much interesting about zerocash, at first because our wallet is not ready for be 0.9.1 base. It's really a very big work for migrate, because we have to rewrite half of the code.
I've find a good alternative solution,
based from zerocoin idea, that we will calling
DarkKore. Where Dark don't come from DarkCoin, but
come from DarkNet. We are already, with TOR, in the DarkNet, and the new feature, zerocoin based, it very much similar. This feature will send transactions "in the dark", under the normal chain, and convert the coins when owner will want (like two pocket, one normal and one hidden).
I've already start to write something, I will continue to update the thread as I have news.
MIXING SERVICEAll know already about the mixing service. This feature is now in parking, but I will finish soon. I've find a good script for mix coin simple I start to test it during this week, and I hope I will able to activate it at last for next monday.
Next step after start the Mixing will be to have many mixing nodes for give much more anonymity to the coin's origin.
NEW WALLET TABSI want to add some features, new tabs in the wallets, like AnonymousChat, Exchange API access, maybe a VoiP Phone builtin for call and videocall point directly to the address
I've a large experience in the VoIP market.
ANDROID and IOS CLIENTI've indagate a little about the mobile wallets, and all told me that don't exist for now a wallet that support the PoS coin. This happen because PoS need to have access to the full chain, and not only to the headers like PoW (and of course we cannot download all blockchain into a little memory like a phone).
But I think that we can centralize the blockchain (like MultiBit and Electrum for Bitcoin) where client connect to remote nodes and read the chain directly from there, without download it.
I think it will be a very good opportunity for come to be much more big. I plan to start to look about it after the DarkKore and the Mixing features.
For now is all, but all new ideas and suggests are always welcome.