Zna li netko zašto mi se kod slanja Erc20 tokena uporno javlja greška "Error: gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction"? Dobio sam KICK tokene koje mogu prodati jer se trguje na KuCoinu, ali nikako ih ne mogu poslati tamo jer mi se svaki put javlja ta greška. Malo sam istraživao po Googleu ali ništa pametno nisam saznao. Ima li netko kakvu ideju? Imam i više nego dovoljno ETH za platiti transakciju tako da u tome nije problem.
Dosta ih je dobilo te KICK tokene, izgleda da si i ti medju njima, evo objasnjenja
https://medium.com/@kickecosystem/888-888-kicktokens-frozen-drop-to-170-000-crypto-users-is-coming-2937a1abf641The terms and conditions of the tokens “unfreezing” process are very simple and fair and will be announced along with the official launch of KickEX exchange soon. The Frozen Drop will be distributed among 167,375 users of the crypto industry according to our magic algorithm, so there is a possibility that you will be the lucky recipient of some of 888,888 KickTokens. Watch closely what is going to happen. The magic is underway.
It is an innovative “airdrop-like” tool that will show fruition once KickEX launches. The game-changing technique has not yet been approached by any other project — Kick Ecosystem sets new industry trends as usual.
We cannot disclose how the algorithm works, but we can say that it takes into account many factors, such as the active use of your Ethereum wallet, whether you have moved funds in or out in the last 30 days and the number of popular tokens on your balance. There are a lot more factors that will determine whether you receive your KickTokens or not.
Znaci tokeni su lockani, zato ih ne mozes poslati na Kucoin.