3 whitelisted emails.
Sold 10 so far, all happy customers.
0.8 ETH each.Only 1 day left to get these whitelisted emails guys! You must sign up for KYC by midnight on 10th September!Already been to and approved them. Can show
screenshots of this for every email.
Only requirement is for you to do the KYC check, then you can enter the ICO sale.
Will provide all the proof I can, however you will not receive the email address details until after you have paid - for my own protection.The emails are all Gmail accounts, with no recovery email, 2FA or phone number linked.
Upon purchase, you will be sent the login details to the email address. Change the password to the account before submitting your KYC.
Then you must visit and enter the email address. It will show that the email has already been approved (they send you a special code via email - I have already completed this part for all emails). Then you enter your KYC details.
If, by any chance, you are located in the US and have an international ID or are from another country, do so via a VPN/Proxy as they may be detecting US IP addresses. I highly discourage purchasing fake identity details to pass the KYC if you are from the US. You see, buying a whitelisted email is
not illegal, but
committing identity fraud is illegal.
If you do not get in, you can probably purchase via EtherDelta after the ICO sale starts. Of course, you will have to pay a heavy premium; this is why I am offering these whitelisted emails.
If you are interested, please email me at (do not PM me here): [email protected]