In my would still have likely made sense..but it would have hurt that 1) the $$ got me over the income hook of 32k or some way would I likely mine that
much this year to do so.... 2) I have an extra 5k set aside over and above if I did NOT get to a set aside for the tax man, month by month, .in other words, as I mined this year, I
kept up with what I owe the tax man..because
IF mining stopped (as it did) being retired I would not have had any $$$ to catch up with the tax man but for selling crypto w/capital gains...that seemed if I make the 32k
more or less I likely free up another 5k set aside for making the 32k or some such as a reward 3) my elec costs were 14c kWh and are 14c kWh now at the house with my home
Summer you can see, that pig won't fly 4) again over the 32k or some such allows me to take my self-employed health insurances (like a farmer) and take it away from
my gross income like electric and equipment asic purchases ..that is 12.8k for me at my age of 62 silver plan and single 5) any extra $$$ of any amount gross after all the above
I can pull off I also can put in the solo401k and take off my gross income
So, again, in my case before I was able to sell the equipment...LIKELY...I MIGHT have made the above cutoff of, again I think it was, 32k ...but it was at best 50/50.
So me, really yeah, probably would have had to eat 200 an L3+ with PSU at say $75 bitmain used for a total of $275 say an L3+
at 200 bucks an L3+ ONLY ...I am not as sure...probably would have still had to do it on the above 'chance' I could pull it off and free up the above options
hopefully, your electric is much less than mine...again, just the 14c kWh means I was frigging doomed....
good luck