In have this belief that we as individuals believe in things both superstitious things and not. Only when we believe in those things they can have an influence in our life. If you don't acknowledge that those things exist everything we just be a myth to you. People may complain that they have been influenced by these things but you will be exempted.
Let me add a 6th one to the list.
6. The left hand: In most African countries using your left hand to take money can be referred to be bad. Many believe that if you take money to be used for something with your left hand, you might be unfortunate. In gambling, gambling with your left hands, or paying a local a casino to bet for you with your left hand might seem wrong.
#1 Unlucky 13: This is probably the most common superstition there is known to man. It is manifested in movies, books and even in real life. You would notice that a lot of hospitals do not have the 13th floor in their elevators. It goes from 12th to 14th. This fear of 13 originates from the Bible where in Jesus’ last supper, there were only 12 guests until Lucifer came making him the 13th guest and the one to betray Jesus. Another is in norse mythology where a dinner by the gods are held with only 12 of them until Loki, the god of mischief, comes along making him the 13th guest before causing chaos. Maybe gamblers avoid betting on this number.
Trust me, this is my first time hearing about the unlucky 13 and you are right about it. The triskaidekaphobia has been common among people with OCD, and those with strong beliefs on the number 13. Hotels, apartments, or any building with more than 12 floors are generally made to serve the public. They ensure they provide comfort and keep their customer's minds at ease by eliminating the number 13 just as you said its either called 14 or 12B or 14A.