maybe it was only libra to be the new king of crypto.
That is crazy. it isnt anything more then a tool to keep you spending money and get tied to facebook even more. Dont think things are secure just because facebook is running it.
You are correct. AT worst, this Libra coin will just act like a 'glorified' BitPay or Facebook 'PayPal'...but then again, even if that is all that comes from it,
just think of all the fees from 1.5 Billion Facebook users! If even 10% of the world users use this Libra coin, Facebook will kill this and make mucho bucks!
If you add the 'data mining' of purchases and tracking on to the 'regular' kind of stuff that Facebook is already doing, well you get even more data and thus, even more, $$$ the deeper
and bigger the data dive into your privacy.
Lastly, Facebook 'eventually' intends to act as a bank and allow 'micro-loans' to start for 3rd world nations and eventually to full loans and or interest paying like a bank.
All the above is a bit more than completely going to go Facebook's way, with all the issues it has with data and privacy and being too large with talk of breaking it up.
But from Mark Zuckerberg's viewpoint even a 'broken up' Facebook with MOST of the above is going to make him much, much, I mean, MUCH richer. Even if he simply
has Facebook broken up into other companies that specialize in most of the above. Getting around the anti-trust stuff. He will still be in control on all those entities anyway.
Indeed, even modest success in the above, he is gonna just kill it. Anyway, my view. Also from someone who a long time ago gave up on any privacy of any kind on Facebook
or anyplace else. That war was lost a long time ago.