Last version of MinePeon @ GitHub doesn't have graphics? I tried to modify 'Graph points' followed by 'Save settings', but it keeps giving no graphics. I did loved the old version, with Advanced option.
In both RPI's, Uptime 13h 59s 52s
What OS/browser are you using?
Do you mind sending me /var/log/httpd/error.log?
Is there any error in your browser console?
On the github version:
Graphs, maybe highcharts is not compatible, that would be no fun. I'm adding the normal graphs now.
Pools, there are two new files created: miner.pools.json and miner.options.json, these are perfectly compatible with angular. These files are loaded in the miner section. When saved, these files change AND get merged into a cgminer compatible miner.conf So check if those files exist and mod (660) and if /opt/minepeon/etc is mod (770)
Yep, the problem is the browser. I'm using Chrome @ my MacBook (OS X) and my laptop (Windows
With Firefox 22.0, I can see the Live hashrate. WOW, lovely. Let's try with IE... ok, doesn't work also with IE 10.0.9200.16600.
Also, in 'Miner', I can't get the pools, using Chrome, Firefox or IE.
UPDATE: Strangely, after going to 'Settings' and 'Miner', the graphics were gone also with Firefox.