I know you are busy with your own stuff but could you find your way to clear up something?
Please confirm or deny the below to the best of our ability and personal knowledge, allot of people are being left in the dark with TerraHash's lack of communication and you might be able to clear things up, thanks.
Zefir's last batches were ordered in late April, and he obtained refunds for 2 of them. Sebastianju has a similar situation. That means that Terrahash should be receiving their chips VERY soon (should be next in line along with Steamboat).
I spoke with Amir on Thursday and he said that they were contacting Steamboat to work out the final issues with the IC2 firmware problem. Steamboat appears to have worked out some of the kinks on his end. Amir has stated on BKK's thread, other than issues with the IC2 daisy chain, their boards are hashing properly.
Amir said that they are working long hours to resolve the present situation, and when it is finished, they will move on to the hosted miner offer. It was a brief and positive conversation. He said that they have not yet received an email from Bitsyncom regarding the chips shipping, but expects to get one any day now. That should happen soon, since all late April orders appear to have been shipped as of yesterday.
Well, due to lack of updates, if I had known the fact that they MAY have worked out the firmware problem, then maybe I would not have requested a refund and effectively EATEN my assembly costs.
I'm going to have to agree with some people around here, who I may have previously disagreed with before.
The lack of timely updates is causing people to make uninformed decisions, in order to potentially protect what little they may have left of their "investment".
I would personally like an update on the following points:
1) How many 10k chip batches worth of refunds have been requested? (I believe Steamboat said he requested a refund from one of his independent orders?)
2) What is the status of the Fusion 16 firmware?
3) Does it hash with 8 chips ? 16 chips?
4) What is the estimated development time to solve said above said problems?
5) Has there been any chip shipment update from Yifu?
6) Has there been any estimate of when refunds will be issued for any refunded batches from point #1?
7) What is the estimated verification time and response time for a refund request from Steamboat (independent of Yifu)?
8 ) Is there any remote possibility of chip shipment any time in the next week, two, or three weeks?
I've requested a chip refund for my orders spread out in Batches 1 thru 5, sent with tx id's, signed message and all that jazz. I have also requested any assembly refunds, and leftover parts shipment.
Then 2 days later, I find out that they "may" have solved firmware problems, or at least they are working on it in a serious way. This was not really alluded to in the last update.
Geee, do you THINK that might have been an important piece of information??
So, you've previously stated that there will be very little assembly cost refunds.
Obviously, if somebody requests assembly costs, and then the miners start working, but you do not refund assembly costs, then the persons eating their assembly costs due to requesting refunds have essentially SUBSIDIZED other people's miner assembly, including Steamboat's.That's essentially fraud, and pretty much bs.
This is NOT the kind of professionalism I was led to believe would be present on this series of group buys.
You can take this how you want, but I'm calling it for what it is.
Lack of pertinent updates is starting to look like borderline fraud.