i love math so much
because math can explane everything and raise logic
https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/monacoin/ monacoin value = 2 euro
750 x 2 = 1500 euro
and, my logic said...
an exchange scam 1500 euro?
@izooomrud you think we are stupids? an exchage if want do a REAL scam, do exit scam or steal MORE than 1500 euro
we can use the logic
if i'm an exchange, i do'nt steal 1500 euros and risk a scam accusation
if i want to do a scam, i'm going to exit scam (like other exchange) or simulate a fake hacker steal
You're right.
All this looks like blackmailing rather than "scamming OP".
Let's watch in this situation step by step:
OP bought 750 MONA coins one year ago. After 51 % attack on MONA network he became active again (through some period of time) and starts to claim for coins withdrawal . After he got rejected, he went to bestchange.ru and here and starts to blackmail exchange. Livecoin of course doesn't right to, because they blocked him (and most negative feedbacks from forum members because of that fact) and refered to some "user agreement".
Very suspicious situation as for me. Because of such things:
1. OP wants TO WITHDRAW coins. Not to refund them, not to sell or somethings. Mostly, ordinary people don't act in such ways. They want their money back, not "withdraw".
2. OP writes from a group of people
As long as there are people with the same opinion as yours, we will have exchanges, such as livecoin.
"WE"? Who is that
3. Interesting fact about one way to attack different exchanges:
Heдaвнo yзнaл пpo eщё oдин cпocoб кидaлoвa, нo в ocнoвнoм иcпoльзyeтcя для вopoвcтвa y биpж, a нe y oтдeльнo взятыx тpeйдepoв. Ho знaть пpo этoт cпocoб нyжнo, чтoбы нeнapoкoм нe влoшитьcя и нe пoтepять нa пocлeдcтвияx.
Кидaлoвo чepeз aтaкy 51%
Cyть cлeдyющaя: выбиpaeтcя кpиптa co cлaбым xэшpeйтoм или cпeциaльнo coздaётcя пoд этy зaдaчy шитфopк. Пpoвoдитcя aтaкa 51%, пepвoнaчaльнo cкpытнo, зaвoдятcя нa биpжy aтaкyeмыe мoнeты, пpoдaютcя зa твёpдый aктив c пocлeдyющим eгo вывoдoм. Дaлee пyбликyeтcя бoлee длиннaя цeпoчкa и oтмeняeтcя пepвoнaчaльный ввoд нa биpжy aтaкyeмыx мoнeт, т. e. идёт кидaлoвo биpжи - им пpoдaли вoздyx зa BTC.
Пocлe тaкoгo мoжeт yпacть кypc, в зaвиcимocти oт peзoнaнca. Кaк былo, нaпpимep, c Кaлcикoм нa Eбитe. Биpжи пo-paзнoмy бopятcя c дaнным явлeниeм: пoвышaют cтoимocть лиcтингa, пpoвoдят oцeнкy нaмepeний пpи лиcтингe, ввoдят пoвышeннoe чиcлo пoдтвepждeний. Taкжи oтключaют кoшeльки нa ввoд-вывoд пocлe фaктa (ИMXO мёpтвoмy пpипapoк).
Ho пpoблeмa cepьёзнaя и cпocoбнa тeopeтичecки oбpyшaть цeлыe биpжи. Зaцeнитe цифpy: Лaйвкoин пoтepялa лям зeлeни из-зa oшибки в кoшeлькe Moнepo, кoгдa зaвeли пo фaктy в 10 paз мeньшe мoнep, чeм нapиcoвaл из-зa oшибки кoшeлёк Moнepы.
Translation of selected part:
"The point: Cryptocurrency with weak hashrate is chosen (or creates) for such attack. Attack 51 % took place, covertly at first, compromised coins is sends to exchanger and sells for btc (or something valuable). Then scammer withdrawing btc and after that he publiches corrupted chain and compromised coins dissapear from exchanger history. In fact, scammer sold air to exchanger"One moment: to sell big amount of shitcoins you need at first increase trading volume and adjacent things. That means that some "clean" coins still stored on exchange (they were used for such things) and maybe scammer want them back too. In that case he will use earlier prepared accounts
with claims to open withdrawal.
Not excluded that we are witnesses of such scenario.