The only thing in this fake Coronavirus pandemic to be afraid of is, government law enforcement who are afraid of the fake pandemic.
its not just you who said its fake. but the deaths are just too much to really treat it like its fake. everyone is locked in our homes. though there is the need to go work and earn for the family there is not much to do when your company and all the city are locked.
there can be conspiracy in who creating the virus and what its for but there is a truth behind the virus that kills is real. we just can't make all countries unite to conspire.
Google "exosomes."
Whenever tests are done on anyone, to see if they have Covid, exosomes are in the body fluid that is being tested. Nobody doing the tests knows if the thing they found was a virus, or if it was exosomes (made by the cells of the person's own body). This is the way it always has been for Coronavirus. Nobody knows if anybody died from Covid or from a person's own exosomes... or something else, btw. This means we don't know if there are any Covid deaths at all!
we are not in the 12th century
science and technology knew and can identify exosomes ages ago. and what antibodies and red bloodcells
they can even sequence rna and dna
so they can identify things. welcome to the 21st century
so they can test sick patients and find the common denominator of what a sick person has that a non sick person doesnt. they can then test if this thing is similar to anything they already know of
they know its similar to SARS1 but not similar to ebola.
they know its a virus and not a bit of fecal matter or other human cell
they know its not a human cell because they also found other animals that got sick with the same symptoms that had the same common denominator
it passed the koch, rivers and bell test. you have been told this in many topics many times
i know you will be ignorant and just say 'google' another cell type and then say 'it could be this' but no they know exactly what it is because they have identified it
wake up to the 21st century. get out the 12th century mindset
No, we're back before the 12th century. Know why? Because we still can't see living, wiggling DNA or RNA... except when they are dead, in an electron microscope. One hundred percent of the things that we think that RNA and DNA are doing - especially when connected to viruses and exosomes - we have put together based on circumstantial evidence... which might be wrong as far as we know with absolute certainty.
It's only recently (2011) that the Microsphere Nanoscope has been developed so we can actually watch living viruses and exosomes and RNA and DNA. And the reason why you can't find much info about what the Nanoscope sees is, there is such a load of info that proves that our current understanding of viruses and exosomes could absolutely be far off base, that scientists don't want to speak up until they understand the info better. And understanding might take a long time, because the things of life are so extremely complex.
To say it straight out, all of our info about viruses and the way they act and their reasons for acting the way they do, might have to be flushed down the toilet in the light of what is being seen with the Microsphere Nanoscope. The clear thing that is opening up is, we don't really know what is going on with viruses. Any healings that we have done with vaccines, have entirely come about because of placebo effect, or by pure accident.
The reason why the medical has to push this virus pandemic now is, in a few, short years, the whole world of medicine will have come to understand how wrong we have been for the last 150 years or more, about the way bacteria, viruses, exosomes, RNA, DNA, and a whole lot of other things interact. The only chance for the medical community to keep their clout and their income is to stifle this new info, now, before it becomes wide-spread.
You entirely have things backwards, as usual.