FACT : There are many known and unknown exploits that are capable of accomplishing this.
FACT : I/we wasted my time, effort and hashpower on yet another SHITCOIN.
Interesting, I didn't know mining a coin when its difficulty lowers down was an exploit -- I (TradeMyBit) have no problems with disabling LGC if it is causing a disturbance on the network.
It becomes a problem when the difficulty continues to drop.
Also, one little quibble:it cannot be considered a FACT that "there are many...unknown exploits".
FACT : There are many known and unknown exploits that are capable of accomplishing this.
FACT : I/we wasted my time, effort and hashpower on yet another SHITCOIN.
Interesting, I didn't know mining a coin when its difficulty lowers down was an exploit -- I (TradeMyBit) have no problems with disabling LGC if it is causing a disturbance on the network.
Hippie Tech has a history of spreading complete untruths as well as half-truths as FACTs, in addition to general screaming and unruly behavior.
Back up what you just said or STFU.
lolwut? The neat thing is bitcointalk keeps your post history here for all to see; they just need to click on your name to get the proof they need.
As for my earlier quibble, you can't call something a fact if it's unknown. It might be true, but we don't know.