I have been able to continue mining after Epoch 382 with full rate:
--algo ETHASH --pool poolurl:port --user wallet.rigname --pass x --apiport 4444 --4g-alloc-size 4080
Add in extra parameters : --4g-alloc-size 4080
If 4080 doesn't work try 4076 you will loose 2Mhs.
Enjoy full Mhs
Excuse me is there any way to force that command only on some gpus? and leave the card that provides video with the value that the miner automatically assigns?
I have a platform with 7 gpus that does not have integrated video and when I introduce the --4g-alloc-size 4080 command the main card does not have enough memory for the dag, but the other 6 gpus regenerate 30 mhs.
However without adding the command the 7 gps start but each generates about 26 mhs, I already tried --4g-alloc-size 4076 and the main card does not have enough memory.
I'm using rave o'am, I'm sorry my bad English