I don't need tips, I already got one investor so far and am looking for 9 more committed. Save your tips for someone who is looking for tips.
Haha, wow, such arrogance,
You do need tips. I know you don't think you do, but trust me, you do. You'll find that out soon enough when no cash materializes. Your attitude is absolutely terrible, and you will get nowhere in life acting like this.
The fact that you are 25 and you have gotten nowhere in life so far should be some kind of hint that your attitude isn't working. When I was 25 I was in the midst of what was turning into a very successful career, not begging for loans. You know why? Well, probably a lot of reasons, but one of them is that I didn't act like a dick to people who could help me.
By the way, I might have lent you the money. 120 isn't so much for me, in fact it just so happens I'm one of those guys who regularly wins and loses that type of money playing "a silly card game" as you put it. I might have taken a risk on you if you had provided the information I asked for. Obviously now I won't be.
I'm not saying I'm not slightly retarded. That would be disingenuous.
Truly it would.
Good luck with your career and getting the loan. I dare say you will need all the luck you can get, unless you significantly change your attitude.
That's funny because when I was 18 I made 6 figures in a single year and after that no income. Since then my whole life has been adjusting, and I have chosen the choices that landed me here given the economic/sociopolitical environment that seems to take such prevalence in this society. The adjustment has been difficult for me, however I am by no means a loser according to what I believe is your standard. I am hard to bluff, I do not consider myself a fool, and I do not need any lesson from you. I don't buy into your negative speech. It's kind of humorous really, because you don't know me, all you're doing is talking crap. However I ask that you leave my thread once and for all. You've offered your good luck and I have given a response I feel was necessary after you've turned this thread into a place to dump your diatribe. I ask that you kindly remove yourself from the conversation of this thread unless you are interested in doing business, as that is my only intention here and now. Thanks.