There is a buy bot on Cryptsy doing its thing. Disregard that one, it's just there.
There are two sell bots that are undercutting the lowest sell price. When a n00b or weak-hand prices under one of those bots, both bots auto-cancel their orders and then undercut the low-ball seller. The seller thinks he's up against some other impatient seller, cancels his order and resets it lower. The bots undercut again. Ad nauseum.
So, what ends up happening is one or two sellers fight the bots down until the price has fallen 10% or more within 2 minutes.
Malicious bots and stupid people that can't be called traders because it insults me as a trader. That's what's going on.
Best for as many of us as possible to collectively buy upward in price and take the bots/n00bz out of the equation. Don't sell anything for a while, to prevent them from getting back in and repeating the pattern. A few hours will pass and the market will normalize.
Just letting it happen and expecting it to wear itself out will actually make the problem worse for quite a while. Long enough that people will forget about this coin or any coin that falls victim to the process.
And to akamii,
Your logic is exactly ass backward. If you keep the coin and help work the price upward, you don't lose - you gain. If you sell, what's gone is gone.