I do auto bet on luckygames and have completed over 33,000 bets as can be seen.
i keep checking on the status and initially till 30,000 bets the profit was around 0.02 and suddenly when i checked back later at 33,000 bets i saw a negative profit 0.0005
With no change in auto setting , how does a bet go from profit to loss when the green in a dice are showing up just as it was till the time before.
Its not like there a was a continuous red streak which wiped all the balance. the betting was going on
I'm not really sure what are you complaining here? Are you shocked because you were in positive on 30,000 bets then you got into negative when it was on 33k bets? May you share what is your strategy that you use?
3000+ bets difference is enough to make you from positive into negative, it depends on what you get on those 3000 bets and the setting of your strategy. I guess you get more continuous red in those 3000 bets.
i think i understood instead ... you were using a strat so when hit a green recovered loss and stats should be green right it happened to me once after a really long streak of loss when i hit i was on red (losing coin) so made this calculator to help me , you can easily spot if the strats you are using after a n bet if hit give you a profit or a loss : https://provablefair.altervista.org/calc