India is a great country and we use more than thousand languages in our country
It is not compulsory to know HINDI language for living in our country
We respect all language and religions
Nirwana25 is very decent and friendly mod and for Indian players she allowed Indian languages in Indian room
I don't think its against the Luckygames rules. The guys who are Posting about her here were asking her to give prize money from her own wallet but sponsorship will be their own
Is this is fair ? Is any player can pressurize mod to give prize ? If they wanted to do game in chat they should follow rules and must give prize from their own wallet
Nirvana25 took Indian room from 22 User to 62 user
so how can a player judge her by just not using money for satisfying them
and conclusion is this type of narrow minded peoples will destroy luckygames. If Nirvana25 selected as MOD means Admin is not dumb
he knows everything
Admin always do his best to make this game growing and his decision of making Nirvana25 mod is also a good decision
thats all