Core 1100 Mem 1500
Intensity at 14
I don't get it.
I get 1.4-1.5 too . This is 14 round blake, not 8 round, don't forget that
Ocminer, as soon as you have a windows.exe miner let us know and post link. I can test with AMD 280x or Nvidia 980M if a miner is available.
Here, I made binaries of OCMiner's git. My signature on these certifies that they are compiled from the same code on his git - I made no mods except what I needed to in order to make it cross-build for Win64. It does NOT certify that I vouch for the code, as I've not gone over it. Anyways, yeah, have some:
Now I have to go diff the bugfixes done by ocminer and the bugfixes done by one of the Decred devs against my own private copy of cgminer that's been heavily edited and merge in the bug fixes, so I'll be busy for a bit.