@all, I agree with @icoanalyst. We really should be petitioning the larger exchanges. If you care about your investment then please get involved. It only takes a few seconds or minutes to send a tweet or an email. Send to at least (
feedback@bitfinex.com / Twitter @bitfinex) and ( / @BittrexExchange).
Copy or make your own message: "@BittrexExchange / @Bitfinex Will you please consider listing $IXT @insurextech." and send to the above addresses!
Quote from bittrex coin submission page...
https://support.bittrex.com/hc/en-us/articles/202583854-Submitting-a-Coin-to-Bittrex"At Bittrex, we look for coins that have high community demand, innovations to digital currency technology, or a contribution to science or humanity. Given the demand for currency launches, we limit ourselves to only a handful a week. Launching is free and at our discretion. If your coin passes our compliance rules and you'd like to get additional marketing in our platform, we offer the option to spotlight your coin for 3.0 BTC."
If we do not show a strong community support for IXT we may not get listed on big exchange. Its up to us; we can't just sit back and expect the InsureX team to go it alone. The team needs our support in order to convince the exchanges to list IXT. If IXT does not get listed don't go blaming the InsureX team if you did not contribute a few minutes of your own time to show community support. Its on everyone of us, not just the InsureX team...
@ingemar I hope you and the team will officially call on the community to get behind the team and specifically give us instructions on how we can support your efforts in getting listed on large exchnages. We should also know how we can support the team in other ways also. The community has taken a beating since the crowdfunding issues and we need to band together. We all appreciate the @ingemar presence in communications and hope that it continues. All the best to everyone!
if you have twitter, please tweet the following... "@BittrexExchange Please add $IXT @insurextech "
Posted in InsureX Slack #community-discussionsYesterday at 7:13 AM