Bill, isnt it Bad to spray the Plants on a sunny Day? I remember we did it at dawn or night cause of the sun burn.
Might be different product you are using I know we had to do it without the sun cause we gathered Plants from the fields and then dried them, then boiled them to make a Medicine for plant diseases. It always worked like charm But if we did it during the Day the Plants would end up burned
Oh yeah this reminds me, we dont need Pesticide. Natural Pesticides are Just growing all around Us 😁. What else they going to make for Profit huh 😁
You are quite right water droplets on leaves can act as miniature magnifying glasses enabling the suns rays to scorch a plant.
Modern sprayers use a very fine mist so the water droplet situation does not arise. However the heat from direct sunlight can cause spray to dry out too quickly before it has a chance to spread over the leaves or be absorbed by a systemic preparation.
What plants were getting boiled up to produce a natural spray?
For example oxalic acid a very good aphid pesticide can be extracted from boiling rhubarb leaves. Although natural it is in fact illegal to make your own insecticides, maybe to protect the big manufacturers but probably to protect regular Joe from himself.
Problem with natural pesticides is that insects quickly get resistant to them and the synthetic ones too. Evolution at work!
Very short generation cycles mean that if one survivor in 100s trillions that has a genetic variation to survive a pesticide will soon become the new resistant pest,
So we don't need pesticide. Tell that to the farmers affected by last years locust plague. Starting in Arabian peninsula spread out to Iran, Pakistan, India and west to Egypt, Ethiopia Kenya, with loss of 6 million acres of crops, $9 billion These crops could have been saved at a cost of around $500 million. But many farmers in these regions are too poor to afford such measures.
Completely off topic there are boring farming forums for this.
Meanwhile can the price be pushed lower to $43k to make sure to be sure to be sure that this really, really is support before the price rebounds on its relentless way up in this 12 year bull market.