WO is better because it's family. It has a ridiculous preponderance of weird uncles, but it's still family.
My experience with family is a bit different.
Blood doesn't matter.
I've disinherited family from my estate.
Even family can be absolute garbage human.
I hear ya bro.
With my SO, we are at a point now where we're about to completely disassociate from her family. Perhaps forever, or at least only see them rarely once every few years.
They are the worst people. A bunch of narcissists that only care about themselves. They never inquire about other people when family gets together, only brag about themselves constantly. They are somewhat educated but are poor, don't have a pot to piss in but act like they aren't poor. They have Mt. Stupid level knowledge on just about every topic, but think they know literally everything and are the experts. They only admire people with credentials and academics, not people who have made it to wealth by any other means. They also have bent views of politics and the world...aka delusional. And they are also a bunch of Communists as well as hypocrites.
We just got back from a family visitation not too long ago, and started to really question whether going out of our way to visit them anymore was good for our mental health and time spent.
On the basis of time spent, it would seem that would be a waste. However, it is nuanced. Still they are blood, and while it may not matter to some, it does have a non-negligible impact, particularly if it's a closer bond, such as a parent or a child, or even siblings. Beyond that, it's different on how distant it can become.
It still might be worth the once in a while visit, perhaps just to reaffirm why you don't like them so much. Maybe one day they will change, and one can hope.
Skip a year or two, it might put some perspective into it? Maybe? I've friends who I have not seen in 10 years, meet them, then don't see them in another 5, but we're still friends. We just don't do much and have our own lives now.
Sad day…. Lost one of my very best friends today, a dog and it’s unconditional love.
A day where I really learn what pain is.
Someone could think it's "just a dog". Well, think better.
I felt much the same in the past, and I know what it means.
I've had a few dogs in my life. I've had one that was very naughty but loyal and died when he was 13 years old (so that's very old for a dog), then I've had another one which was supposed to be very brave kind of breed but got spoiled and was afraid of other humans (it was a rottweiler).
And I've had a couple who I carried home with me in a small plastic bag when they were born, raised them, cared for them, until they were about maybe 5 years old, then let them loose in some farm where they can run around. I would visit that farm occasionally and the dog would remember who I am. One day, we just didn't see him anymore and it was ... maybe it was his time.