Since school days started, suddenly we have started to test 1-12 grade kids. And all of a sudden number of cases started to grow. Later the number of cases speedily increased from several hundreds to a thousand. Now we have 1500+ cases daily. The theory is following - this testing was made on purpose to increase number of cases to get financial support from EU.
What do you think? This is totally fake or there are seeds of truth in it?
don't forget to add layers...
for example in your case:
layer 1 : more case, more eu funding.
but then
layer 2 : more case, more injections, more injections (if not lethal = more recurring customer for drug cartel).
layer 3 : more case, more injections, more death > depopulation goal (gaia, save the earth, submissive slave etc : achieved.
so layer 1 can in reality be cheating to get money, while supported by layer 2 to get more customers, while layer 3 is piloting the whole...
want more layer?
layer 4 : eu wants to rule healthcare > more case, more injection, more death / injuries > national state incompetent > go eu...
another ?
layer 5 : UNO > more case, more injury / death > un sustainable goal achieved, discredit nation state, replace it with one world gov...
layer 6, all above, then saline injections for the citizens of the state > aka we will rule the world when all the other muppets are dead...
layer 7 : alien invasion proceeding...
and so on...
so for the muppet unable to hold more than one concept at a time, it will all sound fantastic, people cheating for money, no way, he or she wouldn't never do that... (lol, lie detected)...
and what's fun is for example UNO (layer 5) may not know layer 3 (depopulation)...
so we have resonnance or disharmony problem arising...
in short : perfect timing for an invasion, and the whole impossible if "intel and so called law enforcement agency had their priority straight... but so it is.
do you get anything of this, or it's too complicated for you or your brainwashing has imbeded neuro-circuit making you say "conspriacy" and moving on, or simply not the intellectual, historical or cultural framework to understand complex dynamic system ? it's a like a 3rd chess with 6 teams... or a classical FFA in a RTS... (I know for most it's too complicated, stressful, straineous, unpredictable to be won and as such played..., anyway).
you have my answer, it costed you nothing and it bring nothing, but humiliate layer 7