1182x: https://fkivsk.hrqhregkxq.net/a414A5MbQ5
1463x: https://fkivsk.hrqhregkxq.net/i5J2LNKxSq
Both playing the damn fruit party enhanced RTP (but not too enhanced for me ).
I'm still playing but not so much as in previous years since my PC is now capable of playing AAA (not gambling) games, it helps so much to divert slots addiction. Notice that our god of slots @roycilik is also quite silent these days...
Well good for you if you are able to win over 1000x in Pragmatic slots, I have not done so from quite some time but lately it helped me pay my overdraft as I won near 100 dollars with a 3.5 dollars buy bonus in my most favorite slot of my all time playing as I don't know why it addicts me more than any other slot no matter that it is an old one, it is Rabbit Garden and also this win of just a bit over 2000 maybe 2032x something along those line is a great one as it gave me x250 gold coin in level 3 and x100 gold coin in level 5 and we know how rare is to get to level 5 let alone to hit a gold coin, enjoy the replay.