glad you made that edit lol
please stop with the new manager thing too. there isnt a need for one. and its insulting to patmast3r who basically is the lead guy even though he doesnt see himself as one.
Is he, I didn't know that, well maybe that's why things are getting fixed, i know Xtester has a lot of pull too. Let's give Pat the credit he is due. I call for Pat to be the OFFICIAL project manager. That's the only thing I think I disagree with you on, is we DO need a project manager, you say we don't need one because he in acting as one now? Let's REALLY give him the reigns, we need someone like him!!
Does anyone in the community have a problem with this. And he should be paid as well.
The dev and marketing teams are doing a great job managing a project of this complexity, IMHO. Feel free to give pat money, though
Overall, I don't think we should rely too much on any centralized leadership. That won't be sustainable in the long run. That is probably why Satoshi, BCNext, UP all left.
I think that it is very obvious that you and the other programmers should be paid for what you made and maintain technology wise. This is a no brainer, you took your expertise and developed something remarkable.
Are we going to just leave the NEM system you made open, for anyone to change, just come on in and add to it, as someone would a wiki. Then someone can leave a note that says, this isn't working, this is incorrect, and so on.
Of course not. It's impossible for this to be done because their would be too many cooks in the kitchen, and security issues of course.
Can someone get with you guys and say hey, let's try this, and then you guys say, wow, great idea, we should do it, and in some circumstances that person be invited to join the team; again, of course.
The same goes with the actual infrastructure of management. There has to be management. Not just maintaining the actual system, but with the management of the NEM community itself. There doesn't have to be designated leaders for it to merely survive, however, the same holds true with NEM Management, as with the wiki example above for the tech, when it comes to management of day to day operations regarding NEM.
We can't just have lexicon coming on and posting that we should do this, and we shouldn't do that, and then some agree and some not agree. Of course the Management team will take direction from the programmers and the community, but someone has to run the show.
For NEM to have any chance at changing the world, it will come from the developers of the tech, and the developers and actors of the management infrastructure. The day to day operations on both sides.
For this we need designated leaders. Without them, we have no chance against our competitors.
Take Satoshi, BCnext, UP, for example. They left and these communities suffered, but all bounced back to a point, NEM even more so!
Yes, Bitcoin "made it" in some peoples eyes, but in my eyes, they have failed miserably at mass adoption. If Satoshi, had taken his premine, and assembled a team, to manage, and market Bitcoin. IMO we would see Bitcoin being used much more that the measly percentage of the world that is using it now. Satoshi left because it was the alpha of cryptos.
Nxt same thing. It is the beta of cryptos. It will stay there as well. It doesn't have enough funding to put any meaningful management team together. Period. It holds, and for a short while, it will hold a respectable postiton in the tiny crypto world, until it falls to better funded and more organized competitors.
NEM has the promotional funds to put together a meaningful management team. I don't see a better group of guys to head this management team up than what we have now. With Pat as the lead as Project Manager and Xtester as the Marketing Director. These guys are great guys that need to do this full time, or someone else does, if NEM is to change the world. They need to be doing this full time and they need to eat.
Like Ethereum is trying to produce Satoshi's 3rd and final product. Not alpha and not beta, but a finished product, NEM has that chance, to be that as well, with the amount of promotional funds that have been allocated.
Now it is time to put a meaningful, full time, team together, or NEM will suffer Nxt's fate the minute Ethereum and others come onto the scene.
I see this so clearly, how others don't...well... it just baffles me. I'll leave it at that.
Your proposition is something worthwhile looking into. Maybe we should just do it with a different twist instead. We leave NEM as it is, a decentralized ecosystem and have a centralized one that is fully financed by itself and for itself, hopefully with some catalyst funds coming in from NEM. That will be cool ain't it? After all, no one is going to live on fresh air and sunshine trying to promote NEM with no money.
Foundation ain't going to work either. It is too long and arduous a journey and gets politicized eventually. Just look at the Bitcoin Foundation. Not getting anywhere other than in-fighting. So long there is no money to be made, it will be hard to hire any good guys coming in to run the show.
I stand corrected, we do not have a what I would consider a "boatload of money to pay these guys".
But we do have a "nice chunk" that can be used to pay them, and this comes from the "Development Fund"
This Development Fund consists of:
66.2 BTC
419697 Nxt - minus some refunds
and the proceeds from 155 stakes that will be auctioned off prior to launch
According to the Development Contract, this Development Fund is to be allocated for "Independent code audits, Bug fixes, and Contractor Salaries.
I am proposing that A. Patmast3r contracted to "Manage the Project"
B. Xtester is contracted to be the "Director of Marketing"
I am NOT proposing that they receive all of this money by any means.
I am simply stating that we do have the money to pay them for their work as contractors.
Please understand that the community does not have control over these funds,
the people that do are: The developers of the system.
Our development team that are being paid already from: 600 Stakes which they fully deserve! Very small % for what they have given us
10% (400 stakes) is reserved to compensate the core development
team for their work in fully developing NIS and NCC to the V1 blockchain specifcations.
5% (200 stakes) is reserved for the extended development team for their work on NEM promotion
and the NEM ecosystem.
Keep in mind this still leaves another 10% (400 stakes) for:
The last 10% is reserved for future development after the
completion of the V1 blockchain, including further development of the ecosystem and
new features for the core blockchain
*NOTE* any of the Development Fund that is not used:
will go as a bonus on top of the (600 Stakes) the Developers of the System receive
So I agree with you on NOT setting up a foundation, just paying these guys for their hard work and bringing them on OFFICIALLY as contractors that will lead the NEM Community Projects and Marketing Efforts
1. I am Asking Pat and Xtester if they will officially work for NEM in this capacity?
2. I am Asking the community if they support the idea?
3. I am Asking the Developers if the community supports the idea, that they will allow Pat and Xtester to be paid? (If they, along with the community, can come up with a fair contract that both can agree on)
If were really going to be taking this thing global, it's going to take a lot of work. These guys have already put in a hell of a lot of work, and much more must be done.
If they don't agree to do it. Then we can at least come up with an amount of pay to use to find someone with the talent that will.
I'm tring very hard to get things more official here, as we are approaching launch in a few months.
NEM has some lofty goals, they are not going to happen all by themselves, we have to get organized. The start of this is getting leadership together, to guide us on our journey to change the world.