Hi all!
We would like to put a Dopecoin bounty out here ( maybe crowdfund it? ) for a decentralized marketplace backed by DopeCoin. We will only be involved in the bounty aspect of it and will find people to check out the open source code and build upon it. We have a system in mind which already has the ability to operate over anonymity-preserving network Tor from the start and will allow us to add DopeCoin as a form of payment.
The idea is to bring
DopeCoin back to its original intentions and restore faith to long-term holders of DopeCoin we intend to meet those obligations. I know some recent posting ( partially my fault ) have given the impression we were steering away for the initial vision of this coin. Don't fret this isn't the case.
Onward we go...So the idea is this: So the DopeCoin wallet will stakes yours coins, makes you a node for the
decentralized network,
anonymizes you,
mixes your coins, allows you to host
your own marketplace, and search through other peoples shops all within the DopeCoin software All payments of course made in the marketplace will be DopeCoin. To incintivize say a grow shop, to open up on the DopeCoin de-centralized marketplace , we will peg the the price of DopeCoin to what they offer. ( We have the formula but wanting to keep it secret ).
Our/My goal is to have this implemented in 2015. No ifs or buts :-) More being laid out ,but this is the ground work.
Lets seperate ourselves out from the rest of these coins with a true de-centralized marketplace powered by DopeCoin!! lets get some community dev's involved in building this out. We need to have more talented people get in involved in our community here to take a huge leap here to push ourselves out pass everyone out there who is in to make this happen ?
PM here or if interested e-mail: