
Topic: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. WTF? - page 17. (Read 49322 times)

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Activity: 588
Merit: 501
April 18, 2014, 03:12:26 PM
Einstein, Sagan, Hawkins.... ect ect

You might want to check your facts here because neither of those three believe in god. At a push you could call most of them agnostic, but they'd probably say otherwise.

No You are the one that might want to check his fact because you not only you are being fooled by some who tries to assimilate those scientist as atheist and spreads such FUD but their stance about religion was clear

Albert Einstein is Jew, and his work on light, general relativity had always a religious inspiration one of the most know example in science is the Cosmological constant and an other one is when he was arguing against Quantum physics (before it became the Quantum Mechanics theory) and his analogy of God trowing dice, and his bibliography is available you can check that out

One of the most famous quotes from Carl Sagan is "Atheism is stupid." if this isn't enough proof for you that he isn't a religious person then you might want to check his bibliography and his attachment to Christianity

Stephan Hawkins some religion Apologist found a tresor in Hawkings recent book "The Grand Design" saying that the Univers can be created due to Gravity and not necessary God, they just forgot that during his whole life and each time he was asked he never denied God! Now does he follow a certain religion he never was clear about this and he is known for his high degree of skepticism so unless I missed something from and I'm sure you'll correct if I'm wrong, he does not denie God, and if you want me to remove him from the list I can, and can 100 more prominent scientist in his stead.

Einstein, Sagan, Hawkins.... ect ect

You might want to check your facts here because neither of those three believe in god. At a push you could call most of them agnostic, but they'd probably say otherwise.
I didn't even read this part. You're right, those people don't believe in god.

I've found these articles, although I didn't completely read them.

the above! well lol! I want to see one person in front of me claiming that they are more intelligent has a high IQ than the persons I mentioned above, like I said before, it's just FUD spread by some aggressive Atheist, and I think you guys were discussing this part, aka Media propaganda to brainwash people?

And to be clear, I'm not against Atheism, just that anyone is free to believe what ever they want but spreading FUD and attacks is another story. let people make their own choices
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 03:06:48 PM
Randomlove, do you smoke weed?

I've done many things in my youth. I lived life and traveled, This is what opened my mind, Traveling and seeing others how they live.

Im an Antichrist at heart (anti goverment/establishmeent, Not there spoon fed propaganda off wanting destruction of everything) but i have the full support of actually being free, weell, unless the gustapo kidnap me, Lock me up and charge me with illegal laws Smiley
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 03:03:22 PM
There is also a theory that some of the passengers held patents for microchips, patents which would be owned by their respective companies if they died.

It's been discussed and is only shared by conspiracy nuts.

If its not on the Main Stream Media its not true according to this sheep. Middle class american fool i bet you 0.1BTC! Stinks of it. Bet he plays  golf and flys (internally on his farm only probably for 'business') and he thinks he as a comfortable life (those who seek security over freedom deserve neither)! Me myself spend months at as time in the east (Don't go west since 2008) and see how people live and see how the western world take the piss and shit on the developing world. Well the reest of thee world as had enough of bell ends like this!

This dude is a !st class idiot! He probably thinks the police are there for our security as well haha

Seriously, He can call me troll as much as he wants, He's a narrow minded sheep, That actually enjoys the oppression, even if he doesn't realise he's a sheep, He is!

People with cognitive dissidence ridicule and attack when there perceptions of what they believe/are comfortable with are questioned. This is why even if you had 100% evidence it does not matter. People are programmed (schooled) to be this way and its worked for over 200 years. But as you can see, Some 'conspiracy nuts' actually use there brains and question authority and what there being told. Fact is most westerners are perfectly happy been oppressed and beg their oppressors to oppress thee poor, which is where we are today. And they dont even realise they do it because there ignorant and dont care about anything but them selves. There often called the middle class, Probably the most mind controlled off us all because of there ignorance.

Not there fault, They have been doing this to us for over 200 years as i say, Who you going blame? Your parents? there pareents? Parents parents parents? No, You have to wise up, Grow a back bone and stop being a pussy and stand up for what you believe instead of listening to the crowd. The 5% shout so loud the 95% just accept it! STOP BEING SHEEP LEAD TO YOUR SLAUGHTER!

Meh, why bother. Sheeple will be sheep, They can't see outside of their contructed artificial boxes. Most of them have never left there farms (country) and don't even know how others live around the world except for what they seen on the MASS CONTROLLED TELEVISION PROPAGANDA! Hell, most people cant even pinpoint where Ukraine is on the map but they want to wage war there. Brain dead moron zombies everywhere!

I don't understand how you can claim to not be a troll when you write crap like that.  You're the biggest and most ignorant fool here the way you assume everything about people when you know nothing (but that further says a lot about you). Just because people don't believe in moronic conspiracy theories doesn't make them 'sheeple'. I also find it ironic that you call people that who dare question your beliefs as if they should be taken as gospel.

Just like i was saying they were spying on us in the 90's and it was true. Your the idiot going along with the 'conspiracy theory' restrict like a good sheep. You know these people are just using there brain and dont taking things at face value like a sheep!

Your comment says all i need know about you, As ive said before, i expect 90%+ people blow me off, thats cognitive dissidence, My aim is to put seeds in your heads, For when the shit hits the fan in your life, YOu might actually wake up to do something about instead of marching yourself along to them fema camps or wherever they want to take you.

Your just love the straw man argument as its your defense by your cognitive dissidence. Keep labeling people crazy and conspiracy theorists like a good sheep, Programmed well you! Oppressed begging the Oppressor, just as i said

hero member
Activity: 500
Merit: 500
April 18, 2014, 03:00:17 PM
Randomlove, do you smoke weed?
sr. member
Activity: 366
Merit: 250
April 18, 2014, 02:58:57 PM
Hawkins defo isnt religious or believes in any god.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 02:58:08 PM
There is also a theory that some of the passengers held patents for microchips, patents which would be owned by their respective companies if they died.

It's been discussed and is only shared by conspiracy nuts.

If its not on the Main Stream Media its not true according to this sheep. Middle class american fool i bet you 0.1BTC! Stinks of it. Bet he plays  golf and flys (internally on his farm only probably for 'business') and he thinks he as a comfortable life (those who seek security over freedom deserve neither)! Me myself spend months at as time in the east (Don't go west since 2008) and see how people live and see how the western world take the piss and shit on the developing world. Well the reest of thee world as had enough of bell ends like this!

This dude is a !st class idiot! He probably thinks the police are there for our security as well haha

Seriously, He can call me troll as much as he wants, He's a narrow minded sheep, That actually enjoys the oppression, even if he doesn't realise he's a sheep, He is!

People with cognitive dissidence ridicule and attack when there perceptions of what they believe/are comfortable with are questioned. This is why even if you had 100% evidence it does not matter. People are programmed (schooled) to be this way and its worked for over 200 years. But as you can see, Some 'conspiracy nuts' actually use there brains and question authority and what there being told. Fact is most westerners are perfectly happy been oppressed and beg their oppressors to oppress thee poor, which is where we are today. And they dont even realise they do it because there ignorant and dont care about anything but them selves. There often called the middle class, Probably the most mind controlled off us all because of there ignorance.

Not there fault, They have been doing this to us for over 200 years as i say, Who you going blame? Your parents? there pareents? Parents parents parents? No, You have to wise up, Grow a back bone and stop being a pussy and stand up for what you believe instead of listening to the crowd. The 5% shout so loud the 95% just accept it! STOP BEING SHEEP LEAD TO YOUR SLAUGHTER!

Meh, why bother. Sheeple will be sheep, They can't see outside of their contructed artificial boxes. Most of them have never left there farms (country) and don't even know how others live around the world except for what they seen on the MASS CONTROLLED TELEVISION PROPAGANDA! Hell, most people cant even pinpoint where Ukraine is on the map but they want to wage war there. Brain dead moron zombies everywhere!
Those people also often blindly follow religion and such.
No wonder why most high educated people tend to be atheists.

This is a totally wrong, you are just taking a jab religion with no proof here, fact are, half of the most prominent scientist and noble price winners are religious heck even the biggest figure of science of all times! believes in God such as Copernicus, Galilei, Kepler, Descartes, Pascal, Newton, Boyl, Faraday, Mendel, Kelvin, Plank, Einstein, Sagan, Hawkins.... ect ect

People stupidity it what's makes them due stupid things, not the religion, and I don't understand your free jab on religion while in his reply he didn't mention religion not even once.

Well all religions relate to the same thing, The flower off life and that's in all religions, All known histories of man everywhere. Its in buildings, art and mosques in every corner of the globe! It goes spirit, Egg of life, Flower of life the Fruit of life. All religion is is trying to make sense out of this and different people had different idea's over thee last 2,500 years since we lost this knowledge and since then it as been rewritten by the few that try to control. That's often referred to as thee 'lucifarian experiment' or the separation off the flower of life (body from the soul) which always ends up in disaster time and time again, But most people don't even know our own history and prefeer to east Smack Chips guzzling crack pop watching 'Who wants to be the biggest wanker' on there brain drain boxes!

The fact is religion is just a form of divide and conquer by all the cabals that have ever been trying to control there populas (You sheeple). Yes, there is little truth in most religions but there all really out of context and i reefer to them as children s books with pop up pictures. There basically a joke to spirituality and thats why theres litter all THOUSANDS of types of Christianity alone! Sick mother fuckers stealing the wealth from you. Ever wondered why churches have gargoyles and have an haunting presence? Wonder why the Vatican as the WORLDS MOST POWERFUL TELESCOPE! CALLED LUCIFER!

They've ushered in the final pope, This is the sign of the end of there plans and that why it loks like the goverments around the worldf look like they dont care anymore about beeen caught, They know thee final stages of there 200+ year plans are heree, And most peeople dont even know whats going on arguing amoungst themselves! Just as they planned!#

Hats of to them, They've pulled it off up until now but i sense enough people are wising up. There biggest mistake was allowing us the internet, Thats where they really went wrong! Most religious nuts are harmless and they can come together with other religions too. Thee Zionist movement (STATE of Israel, not country) is the current center of there operations. Jews are not supposed to own land, that's why they call it a state but everyone knows they stole Palestine! Who did?> Rothschild s you dumb schmucks (BETTER). Queen of england, BP oil, Queen holland... Shell & texeco. Education, Rothschild University, Medical? Rothschild medical school. Banking? Rothschild.

GETTING THE PICTURE? Mind control exists, You abuse a person from VERY young age horrifically and you will control them. Thats what they do. MK ultra never died. Bill Clinton, Mind control, George bush, Mind control. I think Obama may be one of there insiders and he may just be just a sick mother fucker! Barry by his real name.

And this is why i laugh at people talking about finding thee plane crashed in the ocean when an identical 777 sits in tel aviv that was redirected by 2 f16's away from the Hague when all the world leaders were there. Its transponder failed so it got seen!

Well documented but you got use your brains piece it all together. Many people are not open minded and just go along with the cognitive dissidence because it 'easy'. The fact that Jacob Rothschild now owns that patent again just fits right in line with everything.

Give me the power of a nations currency and i care not who makes the laws! - ROTHSCHILD.

A little info for you, Rothschild to Goldsmith to Middleton to Windsor! George winsor is the child of the Rothschild and  Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha originally German but with WW2 planned that had to be scrapped in 1917) family. Not the rags to riches story MSM lets people know about!

I can go on but most people fight the truth, Even when its well documented and if you reeally want the truth, You have to find it yourself, And most people are not botheeered, Dont care or just to think to look at someething for more than 10 minutes!

TL:DR FFS you fucking retards! If you usee that shoot yourself in the head with a 12 gauge (shotgun, Not needle!) make sure! The gene pool needs a good cleansing!

Seriously people, Truth is way stranger than fiction but boy, When you find it, You will be free, I promise you. Do it for yourself if no one else!

Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
April 18, 2014, 02:51:37 PM
Einstein, Sagan, Hawkins.... ect ect

You might want to check your facts here because neither of those three believe in god. At a push you could call most of them agnostic, but they'd probably say otherwise.
I didn't even read this part. You're right, those people don't believe in god.

I've found these articles, although I didn't completely read them.
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April 18, 2014, 02:47:05 PM
Einstein, Sagan, Hawkins.... ect ect

You might want to check your facts here because neither of those three believe in god. At a push you could call most of them agnostic, but they'd probably say otherwise.
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
April 18, 2014, 02:42:10 PM
Those people also often blindly follow religion and such.
No wonder why most high educated people tend to be atheists.

This is a totally wrong, you are just taking a jab on religion with no proof here, fact are, half of the most prominent scientist and noble price winners are religious heck even the biggest figure of science of all times believes in God! such as Copernicus, Galilei, Kepler, Descartes, Pascal, Newton, Boyl, Faraday, Mendel, Kelvin, Plank, Einstein, Sagan, Hawkins.... ect ect

People stupidity it what's makes them due stupid things, not the religion, and I don't understand your free jab on religion while in his reply he didn't mention religion not even once.
I've read it in paper/article from a phd, that's it.
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April 18, 2014, 02:31:24 PM
There is also a theory that some of the passengers held patents for microchips, patents which would be owned by their respective companies if they died.

It's been discussed and is only shared by conspiracy nuts.

If its not on the Main Stream Media its not true according to this sheep. Middle class american fool i bet you 0.1BTC! Stinks of it. Bet he plays  golf and flys (internally on his farm only probably for 'business') and he thinks he as a comfortable life (those who seek security over freedom deserve neither)! Me myself spend months at as time in the east (Don't go west since 2008) and see how people live and see how the western world take the piss and shit on the developing world. Well the reest of thee world as had enough of bell ends like this!

This dude is a !st class idiot! He probably thinks the police are there for our security as well haha

Seriously, He can call me troll as much as he wants, He's a narrow minded sheep, That actually enjoys the oppression, even if he doesn't realise he's a sheep, He is!

People with cognitive dissidence ridicule and attack when there perceptions of what they believe/are comfortable with are questioned. This is why even if you had 100% evidence it does not matter. People are programmed (schooled) to be this way and its worked for over 200 years. But as you can see, Some 'conspiracy nuts' actually use there brains and question authority and what there being told. Fact is most westerners are perfectly happy been oppressed and beg their oppressors to oppress thee poor, which is where we are today. And they dont even realise they do it because there ignorant and dont care about anything but them selves. There often called the middle class, Probably the most mind controlled off us all because of there ignorance.

Not there fault, They have been doing this to us for over 200 years as i say, Who you going blame? Your parents? there pareents? Parents parents parents? No, You have to wise up, Grow a back bone and stop being a pussy and stand up for what you believe instead of listening to the crowd. The 5% shout so loud the 95% just accept it! STOP BEING SHEEP LEAD TO YOUR SLAUGHTER!

Meh, why bother. Sheeple will be sheep, They can't see outside of their contructed artificial boxes. Most of them have never left there farms (country) and don't even know how others live around the world except for what they seen on the MASS CONTROLLED TELEVISION PROPAGANDA! Hell, most people cant even pinpoint where Ukraine is on the map but they want to wage war there. Brain dead moron zombies everywhere!

I don't understand how you can claim to not be a troll when you write crap like that.  You're the biggest and most ignorant fool here the way you assume everything about people when you know nothing (but that further says a lot about you). Just because people don't believe in moronic conspiracy theories doesn't make them 'sheeple'. I also find it ironic that you call people that who dare question your beliefs as if they should be taken as gospel.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
April 18, 2014, 02:26:52 PM
There is also a theory that some of the passengers held patents for microchips, patents which would be owned by their respective companies if they died.

It's been discussed and is only shared by conspiracy nuts.

If its not on the Main Stream Media its not true according to this sheep. Middle class american fool i bet you 0.1BTC! Stinks of it. Bet he plays  golf and flys (internally on his farm only probably for 'business') and he thinks he as a comfortable life (those who seek security over freedom deserve neither)! Me myself spend months at as time in the east (Don't go west since 2008) and see how people live and see how the western world take the piss and shit on the developing world. Well the reest of thee world as had enough of bell ends like this!

This dude is a !st class idiot! He probably thinks the police are there for our security as well haha

Seriously, He can call me troll as much as he wants, He's a narrow minded sheep, That actually enjoys the oppression, even if he doesn't realise he's a sheep, He is!

People with cognitive dissidence ridicule and attack when there perceptions of what they believe/are comfortable with are questioned. This is why even if you had 100% evidence it does not matter. People are programmed (schooled) to be this way and its worked for over 200 years. But as you can see, Some 'conspiracy nuts' actually use there brains and question authority and what there being told. Fact is most westerners are perfectly happy been oppressed and beg their oppressors to oppress thee poor, which is where we are today. And they dont even realise they do it because there ignorant and dont care about anything but them selves. There often called the middle class, Probably the most mind controlled off us all because of there ignorance.

Not there fault, They have been doing this to us for over 200 years as i say, Who you going blame? Your parents? there pareents? Parents parents parents? No, You have to wise up, Grow a back bone and stop being a pussy and stand up for what you believe instead of listening to the crowd. The 5% shout so loud the 95% just accept it! STOP BEING SHEEP LEAD TO YOUR SLAUGHTER!

Meh, why bother. Sheeple will be sheep, They can't see outside of their contructed artificial boxes. Most of them have never left there farms (country) and don't even know how others live around the world except for what they seen on the MASS CONTROLLED TELEVISION PROPAGANDA! Hell, most people cant even pinpoint where Ukraine is on the map but they want to wage war there. Brain dead moron zombies everywhere!
Those people also often blindly follow religion and such.
No wonder why most high educated people tend to be atheists.

This is a totally wrong, you are just taking a jab on religion with no proof here, fact are, half of the most prominent scientist and noble price winners are religious heck even the biggest figure of science of all times believes in God! such as Copernicus, Galilei, Kepler, Descartes, Pascal, Newton, Boyl, Faraday, Mendel, Kelvin, Plank, Einstein, Sagan, Hawkins.... ect ect

People stupidity it what's makes them do stupid things, not the religion, and I don't understand your free jab on religion while in his reply he didn't mention religion not even once.

Edited : Hawkins on the list. So what's your argument now.
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
April 18, 2014, 01:58:25 PM
There is also a theory that some of the passengers held patents for microchips, patents which would be owned by their respective companies if they died.

It's been discussed and is only shared by conspiracy nuts.

If its not on the Main Stream Media its not true according to this sheep. Middle class american fool i bet you 0.1BTC! Stinks of it. Bet he plays  golf and flys (internally on his farm only probably for 'business') and he thinks he as a comfortable life (those who seek security over freedom deserve neither)! Me myself spend months at as time in the east (Don't go west since 2008) and see how people live and see how the western world take the piss and shit on the developing world. Well the reest of thee world as had enough of bell ends like this!

This dude is a !st class idiot! He probably thinks the police are there for our security as well haha

Seriously, He can call me troll as much as he wants, He's a narrow minded sheep, That actually enjoys the oppression, even if he doesn't realise he's a sheep, He is!

People with cognitive dissidence ridicule and attack when there perceptions of what they believe/are comfortable with are questioned. This is why even if you had 100% evidence it does not matter. People are programmed (schooled) to be this way and its worked for over 200 years. But as you can see, Some 'conspiracy nuts' actually use there brains and question authority and what there being told. Fact is most westerners are perfectly happy been oppressed and beg their oppressors to oppress thee poor, which is where we are today. And they dont even realise they do it because there ignorant and dont care about anything but them selves. There often called the middle class, Probably the most mind controlled off us all because of there ignorance.

Not there fault, They have been doing this to us for over 200 years as i say, Who you going blame? Your parents? there pareents? Parents parents parents? No, You have to wise up, Grow a back bone and stop being a pussy and stand up for what you believe instead of listening to the crowd. The 5% shout so loud the 95% just accept it! STOP BEING SHEEP LEAD TO YOUR SLAUGHTER!

Meh, why bother. Sheeple will be sheep, They can't see outside of their contructed artificial boxes. Most of them have never left there farms (country) and don't even know how others live around the world except for what they seen on the MASS CONTROLLED TELEVISION PROPAGANDA! Hell, most people cant even pinpoint where Ukraine is on the map but they want to wage war there. Brain dead moron zombies everywhere!
Those people also often blindly follow religion and such.
No wonder why most high educated people tend to be atheists.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
April 18, 2014, 01:31:29 PM
There is also a theory that some of the passengers held patents for microchips, patents which would be owned by their respective companies if they died.

It's been discussed and is only shared by conspiracy nuts.

If its not on the Main Stream Media its not true according to this sheep. Middle class american fool i bet you 0.1BTC! Stinks of it. Bet he plays  golf and flys (internally on his farm only probably for 'business') and he thinks he as a comfortable life (those who seek security over freedom deserve neither)! Me myself spend months at as time in the east (Don't go west since 2008) and see how people live and see how the western world take the piss and shit on the developing world. Well the reest of thee world as had enough of bell ends like this!

This dude is a !st class idiot! He probably thinks the police are there for our security as well haha

Seriously, He can call me troll as much as he wants, He's a narrow minded sheep, That actually enjoys the oppression, even if he doesn't realise he's a sheep, He is!

People with cognitive dissidence ridicule and attack when there perceptions of what they believe/are comfortable with are questioned. This is why even if you had 100% evidence it does not matter. People are programmed (schooled) to be this way and its worked for over 200 years. But as you can see, Some 'conspiracy nuts' actually use there brains and question authority and what there being told. Fact is most westerners are perfectly happy been oppressed and beg their oppressors to oppress thee poor, which is where we are today. And they dont even realise they do it because there ignorant and dont care about anything but them selves. There often called the middle class, Probably the most mind controlled off us all because of there ignorance.

Not there fault, They have been doing this to us for over 200 years as i say, Who you going blame? Your parents? there pareents? Parents parents parents? No, You have to wise up, Grow a back bone and stop being a pussy and stand up for what you believe instead of listening to the crowd. The 5% shout so loud the 95% just accept it! STOP BEING SHEEP LEAD TO YOUR SLAUGHTER!

Meh, why bother. Sheeple will be sheep, They can't see outside of their contructed artificial boxes. Most of them have never left there farms (country) and don't even know how others live around the world except for what they seen on the MASS CONTROLLED TELEVISION PROPAGANDA! Hell, most people cant even pinpoint where Ukraine is on the map but they want to wage war there. Brain dead moron zombies everywhere!
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
April 18, 2014, 12:04:57 PM
One thing is for sure,thanks to this incident we are noticing now the amount of polution, damage  and trash we are trowing we/ve trown in the pacific ocean, there are whole island of trash and rubish floating around in the pacific!
Activity: 980
Merit: 1040
April 18, 2014, 11:08:54 AM
I was just explaining why this was not similar to the 370 incident because they had time to contact the ground crew and there was plenty of communication and was intending to make the point that there was time for communication. I do realize not all incidents are the same. The perception that 'this happens all the time' with an incident like mh370 seems unjustified.

"Aviate, Navigate, Communicate", in that order. I guess fighting fires comes even before that. So no one claims flight 370 "did not have time".  Its far more plausible they chose not to communicate, and instead chose to do the obvious thing and not waste time talking and instead tried to fix the problem asap, pulling fuses thereby disabling communication and transponder.  Its not because the Greek crew couldnt find their fuse box that this crew needed help with that.

Engines just need fuel is not a good argument, planes need more than just an engine to fly and make turns into the indian ocean.

Yeah, they need wings and a tail too. And thats about it. As for turning, apparently its beyond doubt the pilot initiated the turn. How does that invalidate a fire theory? Apart from trying to fight the fire, turning back to an airport is the second most urgent thing to do. Many will say its the first thing to do.

In the Quantas incident, pilots were able to regain control of their damaged plane, there is no evidence of anything like this happening on mh370.

My theory is that flight 370 never lost control at all. The crew was incapacitated, but the plane itself may have been fine after they stopped the electrical fire.

IF it was NOT raging out of control:
I would anticipate, in this theory, the crew potentially getting the fire under control by killing electronics, programmed a new heading for the airport that people claim it was heading towards, and ultimately must have died at some point thereafter due to smoke. When they died, why would the plane have continued to fly?  

Because that is precisely what planes do.

Would autopilot have been shut off at this point with all of the other electronics?  If autopilot was still active, why the erratic flight path?

Why would the plane have suddenly turned into the indian ocean and not just followed a straight path, as other ghost flights do?

I dont know what path it followed exactly after the transponder was shut down. Does anyone? I think not. But if it did indeed fly a slightly erratic path, it would only serve as another argument in favor of incapacitated crew. A plane doesnt just fall from the sky when you release the controls, it will for the most part simply continue flying even without autpilot. Almost all pilot induced crashes are because the crew actively did something wrong, like slowing it down too much, steering in to the ground, or in to a mountain, or because they pulled too hard and stalled the plane, ..  not because they didnt do anything at all.  If only the pilots of Air France Flight 447 had done nothing, or simply released the controls at any point during their stall, instead of pulling the sticks non stop, it would have been fine.

A plane cruising at altitude will just fly on without any input. If it starts to pitch down it will gain speed, gain lift and therefore automatically pitch up again. ANd due to the wing incidence if it starts rolling in one direction it will automagically slowly level itself again. Planes that lost all hydraulic power, leaving the pilot with no input (besides throttle), have flown on for hours many times, and the opposite, the plane crashing shorty after losing hydraulics in a cruise flight,  has to my knowledge, never happened. In fact, at least one plane landed safely without any hydraulics, with the pilots only using differential throttle. A DHL flight over Iraq. That shows you dont need stick input to keep flying, aerodynamics take care of that. You only need stick input/autopilot to steer.

Alternatively if the plane flew straight and level all the way to the crash site, that doesnt invalidate the theory either, as its just as plausible the autopilot was not disabled by the fire or fuse pulling. The fire could have been found being caused by other circuitry like communications, or the fire may have disabled those but pilots restored power to the other circuitry. We have no way of knowing.

With this particular theory, I'm not looking for an identical event. I am looking for evidence that a plane can either:

a) Suffer from a vicious fire that kills off the crew but manages to keep the aerodynamics of the plane intact and continue flying for 6+ hours with no pilots, while changing directions.

You will never find that, because if the fire truly rages out of control, it will eventually burn aluminium and composites and disintegrate. This is not a theory anyone is putting forward. Although I will add one thing; even a raging fire might be extinguished by depressurizing the plane at high altitude, since it will dramatically lower oxygen levels. Some radar plots suggest the plane climbed well above cruising altitude, and this might have been deliberate to starve a fire. Alternatively, it might have been caused by no one controlling the plane, pitching up and down is what you might expect in such scenario. That said, that radar altitude data is not at all reliable, so no one knows for sure if it did indeed climb that high.

b) Suffer from a small fire, contain it by pulling fuses, die by smoke and somehow the plane continues on 6+ hours, while changing directions.

And this is absolutely an identical event. Flight 522 is the closest you are going to find, and AFAICS, its absolutely identical with one exception: they did not disable communications. But since pulling fuses in reaction to inflight fire or cockpit smoke is standard procedure, was even attempted in the case of flight 522, I reallly dont get why you think this is such a leap of faith.

I'm just not buying that this was a typical incident that has happened plenty of times in the past.

Of course not. How many accidents have happened exactly the same way plenty times in the past? I would hope none, thats why we have all this safety regulation, crash investigation, mandatory pilot training and what not. The sole purpose of that is to avoid making the same mistakes over and over. Thats why commercial planes crash on average only once every 4 million hours. Almost all accidents that are not blatant pilot error these days are freak coincidences of things that rarely if ever happened before. When looking for the cause of a crash, you are almost by definition looking for an unprobable (chain of) event(s).
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
April 18, 2014, 09:55:57 AM
This will be bizarre if the plane or not even a shred of debris is found at some point.

I'm sure something will turn up eventually.

Eventually, yes.
hero member
Activity: 525
Merit: 500
April 18, 2014, 09:51:42 AM
This will be bizarre if the plane or not even a shred of debris is found at some point.

I'm sure something will turn up eventually.
hero member
Activity: 500
Merit: 500
April 18, 2014, 09:50:51 AM
This will be bizarre if the plane or not even a shred of debris is found at some point.
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
April 18, 2014, 09:48:47 AM
There is also a theory that some of the passengers held patents for microchips, patents which would be owned by their respective companies if they died.

And a slight variation on this, is the theory that they were essentially kidnapped for the skill sets.

Don't you think there'll be easier ways to kidnap a handful of people rather than make an entire plane disappear?
They might have kidnapped everyone on board but you're right, this would be much harder to do rather than kidnapping just the individuals.
Activity: 1789
Merit: 2535
Goonies never say die.
April 18, 2014, 09:43:00 AM

The list you provided doesn't really show flights the same as MH370... sure, they are similar, but I guess I take a more defined approach with this thinking because I want to compare an 'apple' to an 'apple', and not an 'apple' that is somewhat similar to another apple.

To save my own time and sanity, I stuck with the accidents in the last 20-30 years that I am guessing you would see as similar to MH370
Rapid decompression
plenty of communication happened between the pilot and ground. Plenty of alarms, plenty of time for distress calls.

They did contact the ground crew (but IIRC, they did not contact air traffic control, never sent out a panpan or mayday), but the problem was not fire as might be the case in flight 370, so there was no reason to cut power to the radio/transponder/etc (even though the last words of the captian were asking where certain fuses where, go figure). In case of an (electrical) fire, isolating the fire by turning off all electrical equipment is a lot more urgent than sending out a distress signal.

I was just explaining why this was not similar to the 370 incident because they had time to contact the ground crew and there was plenty of communication and was intending to make the point that there was time for communication. I do realize not all incidents are the same. The perception that 'this happens all the time' with an incident like mh370 seems unjustified.

If you go with the theory of an electrical fire + a decompression incident, I don't see how the plane goes on for 6+ hours and on the flight path they are stating.

Why not? Engines need absolutely none of the electrical equipment in the fuselage. As I pointed out earlier, in the case of the Quantas Airbus A380 which had an engine explode, the crew did not manage to turn OFF another engine for several hours after landing, despite everything they tried, even hosing the engine with water from fire trucks. Once they run, engines only need fuel and they will keep running almost no matter what. Thats what they are designed to do.

Engines just need fuel is not a good argument, planes need more than just an engine to fly and make turns into the indian ocean.
Engines may only need fuel, but you also need aerodynamics and a pilot in order for a damaged plane to continue flying and make a turn into the indian ocean. In the Quantas incident, pilots were able to regain control of their damaged plane, there is no evidence of anything like this happening on mh370.

I may be able to accept a ghost flight without the fire, but without a fire then you can't explain the communications manually being turned off, which would imply a severe electrical fire or a hijacking.

I dont understand why you think this is weird or impossible? An electrical fire doesnt necessarily have to rage out of control, especially not if all fuses were pulled, no longer feeding of the fire. All you need to incapacitate the crew is smoke, and having shut down, or the fire disabling most of the electrical stuff, you'd have no airconditioning, no ventilation and perhaps even no continuing pressurization. Guess what happens next?

IF it was NOT raging out of control:
I would anticipate, in this theory, the crew potentially getting the fire under control by killing electronics, programmed a new heading for the airport that people claim it was heading towards, and ultimately must have died at some point thereafter due to smoke. When they died, why would the plane have continued to fly?  Would autopilot have been shut off at this point with all of the other electronics?  If autopilot was still active, why the erratic flight path?

Why would the plane have suddenly turned into the indian ocean and not just followed a straight path, as other ghost flights do?

Generally speaking, I find it hard to believe that a vicious fire could have taken out the crew without being able to send a distress signal, and then continue to fly on for 6+ hours until running out of gas.

Who said the fire was viscous? Just how much plastic do you think needs to burn or smolder to intoxicate 200 people crammed together in a small room with no ventilation and low oxygen levels?

If you show me an incident, in the past, which had some type of electrical fire and a decompression issue that incapacitated the crew quickly enough for them to not be able to send a distress signal AND force them to quickly disable electronics to stop a fire before sending a distress signal AND THEN having that plane somehow continue to fly for 6+ hours while making turns

You know, there is a reason very few accidents happen more than once in an identical way. Its because we are maniacal about flight safety and from every crash we learn and make sure it doesnt happen again. Id be more shocked to find a strikingly similar accident had happened before.

With this particular theory, I'm not looking for an identical event. I am looking for evidence that a plane can either:

a) Suffer from a vicious fire that kills off the crew but manages to keep the aerodynamics of the plane intact and continue flying for 6+ hours with no pilots, while changing directions.

b) Suffer from a small fire, contain it by pulling fuses, die by smoke and somehow the plane continues on 6+ hours, while changing directions.

I'm just not buying that this was a typical incident that has happened plenty of times in the past.
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