They attacked young girl children ..
Really brave NOT..Pussies ..
My government have no balls ..
CHURCHILL I AM SORRY MAN..You be spinning in your grave..
I know to many fucking lick arse money grabbing Islamic loving politicians who love there money..
You leaders are weak as FUCK..
In 1 week i seen a poor Russian get his head cut off
And now killing children in a concert.. ..
Do you understand what IS are trying to achieve? I don't think you do. Its not a question of being brave or not.
Islamic State, by their own admission, believe in a future colossal war between their flavor of Islam and the rest of the world. In order to do this, they need to convince enough people that they are acting in the name of Islam and that it is Islam that is the problem rather than terrorist organisations.
Now, Islamic State and Al Qaeda COMBINED number no more than 300,000 people by their own claims. The real figure, at least the one estimated by the CIA, is closer to 50,000 people.
So, there are 50,000 sick and fucked up terrorists out there who are trying to turn the west against billions of peaceful moderate Muslims and they are doing this by choosing targets that will cause the most outrage. Clearly a childrens concert is part of this agenda.
These terrorists are fucked up. They believe that slaughtering innocents furthers their cause. However, people are giving them what they want...hatred of Muslims rather than hatred of the monsters themselves.
I'm 35 years old, I see no resolution to this horrendous situation and I fully expect to see a global war and genocide as a result of these terrorist attacks and the totally flawed belief that they happen in the name of Islam.
All of the people who are saying BOMB MUSLIMS and campaigning against Islam itself are falling right into the trap that Islamic fundamentalist terrorists are setting. Your hatred will feed theirs. The only way out of this is to target those responsible for these acts and to embrace those that aren't.
And before anybody accuses me of being a lover of Islam, that is not the case. I tend to believe that religion of any kind is increasingly irrelevant and dangerous in the 21st Century. People seem to forget that Islamic State are turning on moderate Muslims more than the west at the moment. They are trying to use terror to swell their own ranks.