Interesting climate article is the kind of thing that doesn't receive enough attention. It should be investigated further and be an open discussion point; right now, anyone that attempts to debate climate change, even on the grounds cited here (that the modelling for this particluar set was flawed but published as fact for publicity) is shouted down because the science is supposedly settled.
My own position has changed significantly. I try to be open to listening to different sources, although I will say that like many people, I do not have the faintest clue how to find or interpret most of the scientific data related to this. However, I do love history and have been fascinated by parts of our history that seemed based on assumptions rather than solid proof.
After watching An Inconvenient Truth many years ago it made sense - pollution is bad and a rational extension is that this could be harming our environment. But then as I read up on unrelated topics I discovered:
that temperatures has twice rapidly spiked higher than the small increases of last century (currently unexplained - see Younger Dryas period)
sea levels rapidly, not incrementally, increased around 400ft 10,000yrs ago (12,800 BP)
this sea level rise coincides with something called Meltwater Pulse 1b (unexplained by *conventional*, uniformitarian academia)
carbon in the atmosphere is not something to be feared, it is essential, has been higher in millenia gone by, and is of course, crucial for plant life.
my current thinking aligns with the observation that the earth is part of many different cyclical events, from The Great Year to a single day, and our climate is one cycle of many that is often brutally re-arranged by forces we can only guess at.
I think man made change is part of it but I do not know how much I do not know. I fear that our science does not look back far enough in history and is part of groupthink and possibly shock doctrine agendas ( I would say there are far more things to worry about than a foot sea level rise or a degree rise in global temps). How about we figure out why temps went up 10 degrees in a year or two and sea levels rose 400ft almost overnight? That's a real frightening mystery (and interesting).