
Topic: Martin Armstrong Discussion - page 279. (Read 647062 times)

Activity: 3
Merit: 0
April 01, 2016, 09:50:34 AM
His support of Trump is kind of disgusting to me

Every time I see post like this, I always want to ask: then who do you support?

Trump exposed so much dirty politics, I can't remember when was last time I had so much fun in an election year.

sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
April 01, 2016, 04:05:46 AM
His support of Trump is kind of disgusting to me

It is an anti-establishment vote. It is also a vote against political correctness, i.e. is intended to offend you on purpose.

MA sees this as a vindication of his model which predicts the breakup of the USA into different cultural factions. See you are offended by the Bible Belt rednecks. You should stop being in the same country as them, so both you and them can stop paying taxes for a government and country you don't agree with.

Trump is the symptom, not the cause. He just shoots off his mouth wrongly assuming it is him that the people just love. But he is seriously wrong. Trump illustrates just how corrupt the system truly is for now we can visibly see how the Press treat him really negative at every possible moment. They have their marching orders from the establishment; stop giving him a free ride. The establishment is vowing not to support him even if he did win further demonstrating we are just the Great Unwashed and if the people really voted for Trump, they do not give a shit what the people want. This is their country and they rule and who are we to rise up.

After Trump’s comments on punishing women for getting an illegal abortion, you really have to question what was he thinking. Of course he has now come out and reversed himself after saying women who undergo the procedure should face “some form of punishment”...

It appear more and more that Trump will not win the nomination no less the White House. The real problem we face is no matter if we have Cruz or Hillary, nothing will change in government and your taxes will explode because when Social Security goes bust next year, both sides would raise taxes for neither will want to be known as the Party who killed FDR’s socialist agenda even if they rob the money in there anyway.

So with Cruz or Hillary, there will be no difference. Both are bought and paid for. So we should just get use to how bad things are really going to get come 2017. Goldman Sachs will own the White House no matter who wins now.

It seems more likely than not that they will rig the game one way or another to stop Trump and ignore why people are even voting for him, because it is really a vote against the establishment. This appears likely to explode in total chaos for 2018, and as we look into the 2017-2020 time period, it appears that they will destroy the public confidence in government on a wholesale basis.

As it now stands, they will most likely hand the nomination to Cruz one way or another. Trump’s only chance would be to run to the Libertarian Party since there would be no time left to get on all the ballots as an independent. Cruz would lose against Hillary and Hillary will destroy the economy with massive tax increases while protecting the banks. It appears we are indeed sowing the seed of our own destruction. The Republicans know Social Security goes negative in 2017, so they want to blame Hillary. Meanwhile, Trump shoots himself in the foot all the time and the media is in a full-blown assault against him. This is likely to undermine the entire confidence in government especially since Cruz came out and said he would not support Trump, only himself.

Trump seems to be just self-destructing and Cruz has effectively said the Republican Party is over for he will not support the candidate unless it is himself. Ever since your turning point 2015.75, we seem to be entering a period of whatever can go wrong, just goes wrong. Everything from the migrant invasion of Europe, the rise in Trump illustrating the frustration with government, the potential split in the Republican Party, and the Fed apparently yielding to IMF lobbying not to forget Christine Lagarde taking an unprecedented second term. This is just the major list from 2015.75 your peak in government. What else is left? It looks like the Republicans will split and hand everything to Hillary and her bankers. Either people are absolutely blind and can see nothing for they are just the drones of society or many are starting to wake up. Is this just the total chaos and the shift from Public to Private you warned about between 2017 and 2020?

Thanks for the enlightenment


ANSWER: Yes, this is just the short list. Whatever could go wrong is going wrong in a grand style. True, there are people who see nothing. They will be slaughtered for they form the majority. You cannot tell them anything. They will never acknowledge anything until they lose everything, which will come in the blink of an eye. The Russian invasion into Syria on that precise day of September 30, 2015, highlighted the crisis that seems to be spreading from the Middle East.
hero member
Activity: 767
Merit: 532
April 01, 2016, 03:34:15 AM
His support of Trump is kind of disgusting to me
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
April 01, 2016, 02:42:06 AM
Who says Armstrong's ECM is bullshit?

Right on time with MA's March 13/14 Pi turn date:

Someone should email Martin this post.

And the prior Pi turn date:

The Russian invasion into Syria on that precise day of September 30, 2015, highlighted the crisis that seems to be spreading from the Middle East.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
April 01, 2016, 02:35:52 AM
ISIS marching in Berlin warning Germans to stay in their homes or face jihad:

Here is what comes next:

It is ironic that the conditions setting up today were also the case in 1927. The Fed back then lowered U.S. rates to try to deflect the capital inflows to help bailout Europe. The markets eventually backfired and capital shifted. It poured into the USA and doubled the U.S. share market, despite doubling interest rates to try to prevent the crisis they helped to create. This all led to the 1931 sovereign debt crisis and those economic declines resulted in political chaos. In 1933, FDR came to power, but so did Hitler and Mao. That was all made possible because of the collapse in government debt. We are in the very same position today as the Fed is surrendering domestic policy objectives for international concerns.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1852
March 30, 2016, 12:32:37 PM

Armstrong comes up with a Triple Play of interesting nuggets today.

Arizona was rigged for Hillary (what a surprise):

Donald Trump and Nigel Farage are the two most interesting political figures out there today.  The Elites hate them both:

Armstrong writes that the Federal Reserve is the world's central bank:

Re No. 3 above, central banking is opaque, secretive and complex.  By design I'm sure.  Whether or not the Fed is the "world's central bank" and how that squares with the TWO institutions that already are thought of in that role is a matter too complex for me to comment on.  Those two institutions:

-- The International Monetary Fund  (Washington, DC.  The IMF loans money to countries in trouble and invented the SDR.)
-- The Bank for International Settlements  (Basel, Switzerland.  The central bankers meet there regularly to decide on policies.)
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
March 30, 2016, 02:53:08 AM
Right on time with MA's March 13/14 Pi turn date:

Someone should email Martin this post.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
March 30, 2016, 01:58:38 AM

Armstrong comes out with a piece getting a LOT of notice:

It is typical of The-Powers-That-Be to assassinate serious threats to their power.  This one is getting a lot of notice, especially at Zero Hedge.

Should Trump be taken out, we ought not be surprised if there is a lot of violence thereafter...  

Astroturf is their modus operandi. See the Tedx talk YouTube by Sharyl Attkisson:

Snowden Sums Up The Presidential Campaign With Just One Tweet
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1005
March 29, 2016, 06:07:28 PM

Armstrong comes out with a piece getting a LOT of notice:

It is typical of The-Powers-That-Be to assassinate serious threats to their power.  This one is getting a lot of notice, especially at Zero Hedge.

Should Trump be taken out, we ought not be surprised if there is a lot of violence thereafter... 

Maybe thats what Trump can be good for (atleast something) and being a catalyst for the revolution which upends the 1%
Activity: 133
Merit: 0
March 29, 2016, 04:44:17 PM
EDIT: BTW, you have spelt Martin as "Matrin" within the forum headings - just thought I'd point it out.

oops, thanks.
full member
Activity: 208
Merit: 103
March 29, 2016, 04:03:17 PM
Has anyone thought of creating a dedicated forum to interpret each of his blog posts? With images of charts etc?

I just created one:

Thanks Alex. Hope you get some useful contributions.

EDIT: BTW, you have spelt Martin as "Matrin" within the forum headings - just thought I'd point it out.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1852
March 29, 2016, 12:15:23 PM

Armstrong comes out with a piece getting a LOT of notice:

It is typical of The-Powers-That-Be to assassinate serious threats to their power.  This one is getting a lot of notice, especially at Zero Hedge.

Should Trump be taken out, we ought not be surprised if there is a lot of violence thereafter... 
Activity: 133
Merit: 0
March 29, 2016, 10:34:19 AM
Has anyone thought of creating a dedicated forum to interpret each of his blog posts? With images of charts etc?

I just created one:
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
March 26, 2016, 08:56:07 AM
For those who want to UNDERSTAND MA's modelling, this is interesting:

It says, "chapters illustrating the Benchmark Cycles". From that 2014 report, it would be very useful to have just that chapter on hand.
And I guess this is the metals report he is referring to:

If someone still has this report on hand, and is willing to share just that chapter, in/under whatever fashion/condition, can send me a PM.
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
March 25, 2016, 09:05:15 PM
Has anyone thought of creating a dedicated forum to interpret each of his blog posts? With images of charts etc?

That idea has floated here before. I assume that there are other people here (including myself) that would vouch for it.
But not all to the same extent I guess. And so far it is not realized.
Maybe it won't be bad to be made sort of a private discussion, so participants can feel a bit more without reserve to express their opinions.
And, most likely, it would be more efficient as well.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1030
Sine secretum non libertas
March 25, 2016, 06:43:58 PM
That is an awful web site and you should feel bad.
jr. member
Activity: 81
Merit: 6
March 25, 2016, 01:46:21 PM
HI all,

I am new - did a search about discussing MA and here I am. At times MA's blog posts seem as though he is talking in riddles (if this than this scenarios) So it can be very confusing.  

I have traded the markets for 20+ years and am looking for like minded individuals to share thoughts and views of the market with regard to his posts.

Has anyone thought of creating a dedicated forum to interpret each of his blog posts? With images of charts etc?

All the best!

Here is a look at the DOW.

MA's recent post stated, "When we look at the Dow Jones, here too we failed to exceed the Weekly Bullish at 17750 after reaching only 17648. Last week’s closing was 17602 and a lower closing today will warn that the advance is starting to fizzle out. We have not been able to exceed the downtrend line technically. A closing below 17124 would be an outright sell signal."

Interesting to note the weekly array he posted on March 11 showed a panic cycle for 03/21 (IMO this didn't play out) and also a directional change for the week of 03/28 with the highest 'Composite bar" of the weekly array for 03/28.

Likely we should see a decrease in the DOW into next week based on overhead resistance, a lower weekly close than last week, and MAs array.

Chart of the DOW showing MA's numbers...

sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
March 24, 2016, 06:13:47 PM
Boomers in denial and state of disbelief...

Quote from: Mark Zimmer
Quote from: myself
"The West is dying and will go over the cliff in 2018"

BS my friend. Please don't go around shouting that the sky is falling.

The failure of the West is baked in due to the requirement to finance socialism. Asia and the developing world doesn't have this dead weight, which is why it will scale faster. The West has significantly greater hi-tech productivity, but unfortunately socialism is at a bankrupt crossroads and it needs to go, but politically it can't go. So the government is going to likely destroy its own hi-tech sector by for example requiring a backdoor on encryption. Socialism will kills the goose that lays the golden eggs. As for the 2018 date, it is going to surprise many people and I was hoping you wouldn't be one of them. Who predicted this Muslim crisis in Europe? Who predicted the Ukraine crisis well before it was on anyone's radar? Who predicted the 2007 subprime crash back in the 1990s? Who predicted precisely the crash and rise again of the Japanese stock market in the 1980s?

Armstrong and his $billion investment in A.I. and collection of 6000 years of every relevant shred of data he could find. The man who purchased a bust of Julius Caesar and can rattle off details of human history that will make you dizzy.
sr. member
Activity: 399
Merit: 250
March 23, 2016, 06:26:03 PM
I have Investor level for some time now, and yes, there was a change where regional subscriptions have been condensed to a single site membership. My original intention of subscribing was to be a small sign of gratitude for all the work that MA has done (and still doing), and more importantly, that he is willing to share it publicly. I learned (understand more importantly) so much about economics by reading his blog, and my starting point on economics was absolute beginner.

But this guy just doesn't stop to amaze me. I was following Socrates on irregular level, since I didn't understand much in the beginning. But in the same time, as time was allowing, I started to educate myself on the actual modelling that MA is doing. And it's not a trivial thing to understand. Lately I started to have a grasp of what MA is actually doing with his modelling, and I can start to imagine the amount of work that MA has put into it. And from my point of view, it's monumental.

From where I sit now, if I decide to put some money in trading, I wouldn't think twice to subscribe to the Trader level, which is still not available. I would love to put my hands on the information for the Reversals coupled with the Timing Arrays. Since one without the other, doesn't quite provide that much of a view.
If one by subscribing expects to receive straight forward guidance to buy, or sell, then forget about it. I wouldn't recommend to subscribe, since one can get disappointed, and maybe come back and bash on MA.
But, if one puts an effort in order to UNDERSTAND what MA and his modelling is about, then that will separate the men from the boys. Pls be aware though, it's not a trivial process, at least not for me, Smiley.

I'm assuming that information for the Reversals and the Timing Arrays are only available to MA's clients. Also I'm wondering, has maybe MA sometimes in the past published publicly the fixed frequencies of the transverse waves for some of the markets.

He needs to put out a course teaching all of these concepts. For me, I understand economics, business, investing fairly well I think, but I'm a bit lost on his explanations because it's just tidbits all over his blog. I believe he is actually putting out a video series, which I am looking forward to.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1852
March 23, 2016, 04:53:12 PM

Understanding Armstrong is indeed NOT a trivial process, DigiLab.   Smiley

*   *   *

Switching ideas for a moment, a reader of Armstrong just asked if terrorist strikes come in waves:

Armstrong essentially says "yes" in that there is some cyclicality, but of course not exactly nor where the terrs would strike.  Some time cyclicality might be expected as after a bombing (etc.), a cell would need some time and resources before striking again.

I wonder if Armstrong might look harder into this topic?
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