This thread has gone full retard
This thread has been totally derailed these past few pages. I mean how much more master-P drama is there to discuss after
50 56 pages? Looks like
this thread is turning into the more useful of the two topics on the master-P scam.
Ya i agree why is TECSHARE
starting shit with people ?
He started with QuickSeller when posting info on master-P for me. (and all of you)
TECSHARE then started with me after asking a simple question.. and on and on (i quoted him proving it)
I think most of you people here are retarded & can't read and are far more interested in being little cheerleaders.
I like person A) and i hate person B)
and how they actually act has no real bearing on real reality.
You people sicken me.
This prick goes on taking swing(s) at everyone here proclaiming that all that matters his "escrow doxx game"
and saying word for word YOU are ALL just trolling for a spectacle by continuing on talking here.
That hypocrite TECSHARE tore a strip off of QuickSeller for no reason at all about credibility.
And me..
So why again did i post info on -HIS- credibility ?
Because TECSHARE and cyberpinoy etc kept bringing it up.. QuickSeller and i never did bring it up !
But it's us that are the big assholes that derailed the conversation ?
Are you people retarded ?
I swear to bloody god damn god you people can't read or your 5 yrs old's with high school popularity contest games.
75% of you here do NOT possess the ability to actually see what is written with English words under your nose.
All you here is, rabble rabble rabble (i don't like this guy so he's trolling bullshit)
A whole pile of you are on my shit list now ..enjoy the next decade with Spoetnik pricks.
Your SPAMMING this topic with shit like..
This thread has gone full retard
Is just as fucking bloody stupid as who is talking about Credibility.
Who is posting whiny garbage ? Look in the mirror idiots.
TECSHARE is a piece of shit asshole.. in the last month or two i stuck up for him twice as did others and what did he do ?
He insulted me and mouthed me off and tried to pull this it's his topic routine again.. What a prick !
Hey TECSHARE this is not your topic or your forum so go fuck yourself.
Did the fucking guy come back to town yet or not ?
How many times do i have to ask with out being trolled & insulted ?
And TECSHARE you can keep posting it doesn't matter etc etc but i will keep asking..