Thanks for the link i can see his replies from that on page 17 onward.
One thing that i wonder is he said he was using Armory (i never tried that before)
So how did his private keys get compromised again ?
He also claims to have access to remote connect to his PC from out of town but he has shut it off already.
What The fuck ?
Why does he have a remote software program on his escrow PC in the first place ?
And what one ? ..name etc ?
That seems odd.
And he said he used his phone so this program would have to be a mobile phone + local PC app.
So what mobile phone app did he pre-install on his phone+PC before he left town ?
There is no remote app's that can be installed on your home PC remotely.
He would have had to of set that up before leaving town.
SO what mobile app does he claim to have used ?
And why would he go to the trouble of setting up a remote connection with his phone ahead of time
then not even use it for two weeks while out of town ?
He would have know when he left he had people waiting with deals etc
Or was his plan to simply make everyone wait as he disappeared for 2 weeks ?
Can he prove he has left town ?
NOTE: I noticed his password was changed on Dec. 17th on the seclog.php
Also that it says "Changed" ..not reset via email.
December 17, 2015, 06:55:10 AM - master-P - password changed
I wonder about his IP address activity here too.
Did he normally use a VPN or Proxy etc ?
If not then i am guessing theymos may have the ability to see a different IP for the logins.. maybe proving his case.
His replies raise a lot of questions.
I also wonder has he gone back home to access his PC locally yet ?
If so what keylogger did he find and how did he detect it ?
I have no doubt those Bitcoins would have been moved ASAP !
The fact he said he was hacked and they were not moved is fishy.
If i had hacked the guy.. i would have tried to get a trail obfuscated going to cover where they went.