I think several people would be interested in a wealth analysis of mastercoin wallets, either as a one-time/ad-hoc thing or integated into mastercoin-explorer (i.e. for instance see the top balances for YaCoin over at http://yacexplorer.tk/graphs.htm#stats) ... top 25 balances would be great, or with all wallet balances, we could do a lot (statistics/analysis-wise, such as gauging wealth distribution over time to judge the "spread"/diffusion of the currency). And if someone had a csv or excel spreadsheet with this info, I wouldn't mind making a few charts, but the cats meow would be to integrate in into the explorer for day-to-day updates and historical trends.
Another useful stat would be measuring the rate of mastercoin transactions, in order to judge the 'velocity' of MSC (i.e. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velocity_of_money). This could then be plotted on a graph. That would be another great look at the health of the MSC ecosystem.
Sample distribution of wealth graphs (could be created with a JS graphing library like 'flot', provided with the raw MSC data...I'd be able to lend some assistance here if needed):
I'm working on adding a permanent view into Mastercoin-explorer but because time is as always the limiting factor :/
Here is a one time off top-50.
Here is a CSV of each address and their balance. Seeing this overview I spotted a transaction that is being parsed wrong so that's worth something.
Edit: Couldn't help myself and added the top 50 to Mastercoin-explorer. It might be a tad slow since it's not being cached and the lookup is very inefficient but it works for now.
Haha beat me to it Tachikoma I wanted to ask if the guys doing the order book would publish the chart (howto) so I can have a live update here - at the moment it's just a static image placeholder (the rest of the data is dynamic though).
Your solution is much more elegant! I just did simple hack until I find time to do it properly. I will be offline the rest of the weekend sadly so I will see you all on monday