This is a sign that the price of Bitcoin will soon surpass the $ 20k price point towards a new much higher ATH. The
major financial institutions in the US now no longer seem interested in foreign exchange, their truth is Bitcoin and they are investing more and more money in Bitcoin.Maybe they will create a new trend in this Crypto market by pushing the price of Bitcoin even higher, maybe we will see Bitcoin at 30k $ early in Q2 2021.
I cannot really agree with your characterization that I bolded above, Harriti.
Sure there are some major financial institutions in the USA that are getting on the bitcoin bandwagon.. but surely a quite minority--- but even with a minority of financial institutions entering into bitcoin, that is likely to have a quite bullish effect on BTC prices - absent some anomalies along the way.
So, yeah, surely this contagion is bullish for bitcoin prices.. and likely going to continue to have snowballing effects - even though we cannot presume that the price movement and the trend is "in the bag" or guaranteed - even though odds and the set up look quite wonderful for both BTC HODLers and any new entrants into the space... who might be able to front run some of the anticipated ongoing BTC accumulation momentum that seems to be taking place.
I'm not sure how to feel about this really. On one hand we have the optimistis that believe companies and high-firm corporations adopting cryptocurrency is a good thing as it sparks change in the future of cryptocurrency. And on the other hand we have the people who are afraid bitciin is uet again going to be a cash cow for the capitalists. Either way, I am going to hodl on my coins for better or for worse and see what happens at the end of the road.
If you look at that concept of capitalist then only the rich will be investing in bitcoin considering the price keeps on rising and you cannot expect poor people to invest in bitcoin expecting them to use it as a currency. It is a fine line if you consider things on that aspect and anyone who invested in it from the beginning can earn a huge profit.
When the market is rallying we hear all the positive news and that is the same during the last rally and hence it is not a big surprise after all .
Well the poor better get their fucking shit together and start buying bitcoin.. otherwise, you are correct they are going to have to pay higher prices. This is an informational matter, not a matter of how much money that anyone has.. of course, the more disposable income that anyone has, the better they are able to benefit, relatively speaking.
There are likely going to be plenty of poor (*or not very rich folks) who end up benefiting from this ongoing transfer of wealth, and those who are informed and start to actually act on their information are going to benefit the most, relatively speaking... and sure there are a lot of normies who either are not informed or they are NOT acting with the information because of whatever reasons, including some of them believing nonsensical thoughts that seem to kind of be contained in your post, 7788bitcoin, suggesting that it might be too late.. blah blah blah..