If you think that matters, then you have a right to believe such a thing and have fun playing with your pet rocks and attributing meaningful and/or substantial monetary value on such basis.
Sure people have all kinds of ways of valuing things subjectively, so the question still regards the extent to which any of that adds up to monetary value.
We could also describe all kinds of assets that have monetary value such as residential property or art or collectables, and they are inefficient in their being used as monetary value..especially when they have monetary premium because people are challenged in regard to where they are storing their monetary value.
Sure houses and those other items that I mentioned are still going to have value, yet the monetary premium will be sucked out by bitcoin, and it might take 50-200 years for the monetary premium to be sucked out of the various inefficient monetary assets and into bitcoin..
Figure out your various monetary premiums and hopefully, for your own good, you are not so dumb as to think that gold even has a chance against bitcoin.. It has already lost a lot relative to bitcoin, and bitcoin is not even close to finish to eating gold's lunch, including getting to its likely position of around 1,000x or more valuable than gold.
Of course, you are free to make your own allocation and have your own opinion regarding the value of bitcoin relative to gold...Personally, I would not allocate more than 5% of the value of my bitcoin into gold, and on a personal level I don't have any gold, beyond some token pieces...and they are not needed...but hey you can make your own choice regarding how to allocate to bitcoin versus gold, if any.