If you have any idea or just want to share your first experience in crypto trading, feel free to write them bolow
For every trade you must set an acceptable target level to bringing benefit Furthermore more importantly, Also set stop-loss level to cutting misfortunes. A Stop-loss may be setting the level for passing the place the trade will get stop.
Here again, it will be important acknowledging a number of factors The point when picking An prevent reduction level effectively. i suggest to start with as low as 10$
you just needed to always set your target goal and have plan b so just in case your first plan went bad then you have corresponding alternative after.
Yeah as you said $10 not enough to start because fee will eat that $10 so I think 0.01BTC is atleast required to start trading.But if we have more investment then we no need to pay the fee often so we can save extra amount.
Before start trading learn basics of trading and choose your own style.I think trading with bitcoins is more profitable than ethereum so you just start with bitcoin and add some altcoins later with your trading.