Did you edit this line in telegram
Yep. This is what that part of the telegram file looks like for me:
SYSTEM_UP_TIME=$(uptime -p)
GPU_COUNT=$(nvidia-smi -L | tail -n 1| cut -c 5 |awk '{ SUM += $1+1} ; { print SUM }')
REBOOT_REQUIRED=$([ -f /var/run/reboot-required ] && echo "Yes!!!" || echo "No")
MINER_UP_TIME=$(ps -p `pgrep miner` -o etime | grep -v ELAPSED)
GPU_UTILIZATIONS=$(tail -n 5 5_restartlog | grep 'GPU UTILIZATION' | awk '{gsub(/GPU UTILIZATION: /,"")}1' | tail -n 1)
Also I do have the remote/local setting configured to remote in my 1bash. (the rig is off site)
You are using wrong apostrophe. Try this:
Its. backticks below Tilde " `" not apostrophe.
Text between backticks will be executed and replaced by the output of the command