Can anyone tell me how to replace ethminer (all versions) by claymore (ethdcrminer) in Salfter's scripts for MPH Switch? please !
I tried it myself but it does not work.
I know that the claymore dev collects 1% tax on each algorithm in use, but it is more stable and efficient.
I have seen the salfter script go from a majority mining time on Zcash or equihash to EThash (several different corners) since then. 2-3 or may be 4 days.
I saw an enormous spike on XMR this weekend as well. No doubt people looking for a coin of the top 10 has to mine, then it is back down in power but no difficulty on XMR which rises, which rises ...
I'm using ethminer with no problems
All miner commands are in 3main
I am happy for you papami, but as far as my small miner is concerned, it was clear that he did not stop to re-issue ethminer whatever its version. I have all tried it in the mph_Switch and each time it was difficult to connect or to receive the answers of the pool for validation or rejection of the "share". So, my GPU dropped to 0% activity and the Wdog killed all the miners softwares (!), Including the "plusCPU" (kill -e miner is too generalist, it would be better targetting ONLY the main minor (so not cpuOT (or xmr-stack-cpu) with this command)
I add that with claymore, the MPH_SWITCH will mining libry (LBC) whenever it mines daggerhashimoto. On MPH_Switch and pools, there are several coins that use this algorithm, and as a result, I will dual minning every time this algo (daggerhashimoto) is requested. Expanse, ETC, Musicoin.
Although I lose claymore dev fees, but I think I lose less in fees than with these untimely reboots of ethminer and for some more LBC
Here is the section that I replaced in the file mph_conf.json and in the file 3main below << EOF> /home/m1/mph_conf.json
bin ": / home / m1 / eth / 9_8 / ethdcrminer64 -epool stratum + tcp: // {HOST}: {PORT} -ewal {NAME}. {MINER} -eworker {NAME}. {MINER} -esm 2 -epsw x -allpools 1 -allcoins 1 -dpool stratum + tcp: // 6256 -dwal {NAME}. {MINER} -dpsw x -dcoin lbc -dcri 25 "
"power_limit": 114, "gpu_oc": 150, "mem_oc": 1250, "fan": 40,
"speed": 0.087, "power": 0.397
I will try like this some time (until Friday), and, probably that week-end, I would try again your WTM_SWITCH
I will probably ask you for help debugging by private message or here on the public thread.
NB : Your alerts on Bittrex worry me even if I do not store much value on it !
Do you have a rankings about trusting this list of platforms that you quote above?
In fact, I understand that you have to choose between storing on pools or storing on tradding platforms! Complicated and risky in both cases :-(
I try to privilege Kraken to the maximum for me. But Kraken does not work with as many tokens as the others like cryptopia, bittrex or poloniex.