Some ideas for WTM Auto Switch :
WTM AUTO SWITCH is best to set for current profit and current difficulty in as the other 3 options are only show what was in the past.
It is looking for top profitable coin at the moment which usually is the coin with most drop in difficulty.
First of all dont use too many coins as it will make too many switches and you lose time,
WTM auto switch has the option to compare the top coin with current mining coin with the given difference in percent to avoid too many switches for small profits shown.
switching to better coin is good but too many switches means too many miner restarts and each miner get some time to get to optimum speed some thing from 10 to 30 seconds.
So We have some options here.
I tried these 3 combos, each has their own pros and cons, you should try and see which one you like more.
1- Two top coins with no jumpers (10-15 % difference)
This one is the most stable option with least switches as top 10 coins usually dont change too much.
2- Two top coins with 1 jumper (10-15 % difference)
In this strategy jumper is use as a helper to switch between the 2 top coins, because usually those 2 dont get more than 10% difference
so when jumper goes to top from buttom it helps switcher pick the higher coin with less than 10% difference
3- One top coin with 1, 2 or 3 jumpers (20-40% difference)
In this scenario you mine your favorite top coin but when a jumper coin goes hot and drop big difficulty your miner start mining it until its difficulty goes high and become no more profitable
the high difference percent is to avoid jumpers to switch with each other too many times.
I'm sure there are lots of more combos to use, so please share with us your strategies and thoughts .
P.S: Latest WTM Auto Switch does not support multi algo specific overclock (damNmad awesome work) For Now, I'm Workin on to find a workaround for it.
So set damNmad_ALGO_SPECIFIC_OC="NO" and find a mid level OC to cover all the coins you chose to mine.
In the early days of my mining, I always thought that having a WTM switch kind of thing will be suffice to get better yield, but the trouble is WTM json covers only very minimum (probably the famous) on their site when you request for json result.
If the whole purpose is to mine coins at low difficulty (or when difficulty dropped)! why can't we just mine and gamble the very new coins? HODL them until they get big? (don't need to completely mine them for days, a day or two should be fine).
For eg; PIRL is another ethash coin where the yield by the time of writing this message is 130 odd coins per 100 MH (nearly $10 in fiat currency)
B2B is another upcoming coin based on cryptonight, which is also a underrated coin!
I know these may get famous or may be scrapped, but my point is even ETH/BTC/XMR also started just like the new coins, if we mine new coins for a day or two and hodl them, i think it would be a best bet on its day.
This is just my opinion guys, please feel free to add your thoughts
I would like to agree, but I'm feeling a little burned by SIGT right now. I am the proud owner of 10,000 SIGT, and they are not worth anything right now. Hope they come back some how.
So I'm still skeptical as well... for one, switching just based on difficulty drop is not directly proportional to bitcoin yield (how I tend to measure).
I don't see the point of mining something 15% more efficiently if 90% of it is worthless. Your yield is not increased by 15% at all, but more like reduced 88.5% (this is with the 90% worthless assumption) - SIGT is a nice illustration (which I exchanged all for bitcoin during the last days of the feeding frenzy - but that was luck, not foresight).
Another point is that btc itself appreciates as well so you get secondary appreciation from your lower WTM/Nicehash yield.
I see the difficulty drop strategy only working in the context of established coins like eth, zec, xmr and a few others, taking less yield but at least having all your cycles count for something.
it's similar to passive investing where you distribute your resources to a few sectors which change in a cyclical fashion (and re-balancing periodically). In this analogy you're mining a 2-3 favourite coins with minimal switching - the switch threshold has to be a function of the diff drop AND bitcoin yield. When difficulty of coin X goes down, I am already mining before everyone piles in - and if it's worth it, I can re-assign resources from coin Y to mining more of X.
My gut tells me this is the way to go, but I don't have a way to quantify it yet so it's just speculation at this point. Some sort of benchmark test would be good to set up over a month or so, but only when we have fully formulated strategies and a way to implement both.
In any case, I'm grateful for papampi for working on this, sharing his findings and clarifying his approach for all of us to absorb and comment.
It's easy to give opinions, he's actually doing the coding on this, so thank you! (even if I'm still skeptical