UPDATE: added lolminer-v0.43
added t-rex-v0.6.2-cuda9.1
added t-rex-v0.6.2-cuda9.2
We miner itself does not support VPN or Wifi officially !
It uses LAN as it is only reliable way of communication.
If you need VPN you should use it on your ROUTER and then give normal DHCP LAN to your rigs.
The simplemining rigs are using only 80 and 443 ports. We never used any other ports and i do not think that we will use any other than that in future.
Also we are adding only miners that are wated by most people.
We do not add all miners in the world even if someone is screaming to do so.
If you rig is stable then there is no need for reflashing pendriver with newest image.
Newest image has only newer kenrel and newest drivers that is mostly needed for "newest/strange" nvidia GPUs (like for example Palit 1060)
Newest image also can bring more or less hasing power. For example in for nvidia GPUs and CUDA 9.2 it would p[robably bring better speed.
For AMD ? accually depends and needs to be checked by each of you if you have time
Hi, tytanick, what miner is suitable for AMD GPU & Cryptonight Heavy in SMOS ?? thanks!