even with linux win 7 and smos i can mine eth for 1 or 2 weeks? or i can continue for 1 year? who can reply precisely to this question? thanks!!
I think that nobody can predict future....
I can only tell you my experience and opinion but i do not take responsibility for that because it is the same with stock trading.
Mining was profitable always. from 8 years.
Some months/years worse, some better.
But more less when you are deep in subject, then you were always profiting.
So if now it is LESS profitable then most people are selling rigs/ not buying new ones etc ....
But more less it is always profitable.
Anyway look at this in different angle.
Bank gives you credit with cost of 12-20% per year.
Now miing gives you earnings about 50-1000 % per year but average is 60-150% per year.
So answer yourself question, is it profitable for you ?